Astrology in Forensic Science
Forensic sciences or forensics is the application of various scientific methods and principles to investigate criminal and civil actions which are of interest to the legal systems. In forensics all the clues collected from a crime scene are analyzed by specialist converted into evidences worth producing in legal courts. The forensic scientists work in close quarter with the police to exchange information and details necessary in solving a case. On a basic level, the word forensic originally the Latin ‘forensis” means public; public discussion; or belonging to debate or discussion. Thus, forensic science is science used in public, in a court or in the justice system. From this standpoint any science, used for the purposes of the law, is a forensic science.
So, the first question here is; What constitutes a science -is Astrology science? In general, astrology consists of a number of belief systems that hold that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events or descriptions of personality and behavioral traits in the human world. In the recent past astrology was rejected by the scientific community as having no explanatory power for describing the universe and scientific testing yielded no evidence to support the premises or purported effects outlined in astrological traditions. Leading respected scientists, thus, determined that astrology could not demonstrated its effectiveness in controlled studies and thereby has no scientific validity. The main argument against astrology is that there is no proposed mechanism of action by which the positions and motions of stars and planets could affect people and events on Earth in the way astrologers say they do that does not contradict well-understood, basic aspects of biology and physics. That argument is currently loosing traction due to an on slot of recent findings in the world of physics, biology, and astronomy.
For over 16 centuries, modern astrologers like myself haven’t really known what ancient astrologers wanted us to practice. But in the past 20 years, traditional astrological texts have been translated into modern languages for the first time. These texts come from the same scientists who produced the first analog computer and principles of geometry that we still use today. Modern astrology may be overrun with mushy hocus-pocus thanks to conflations with psychology, but newly accessible ancient astrological methods are producing a revival in the power and credibility of the craft.If your mind is drifting towards Sun signs in the back of entertainment columns as you read this that might be because sun-sign astrology is a recent creation designed to appeal to mass audiences.I call it “Pop Astrology” and pop astrology was born in the late 19th century during the boom in new-age exploration, and was then fueled by developments in psychology in the 20th century. The notion that your sun sign indicates your character was most popularized by esotericist Alan Leo in England in the 1890s. Leo wasn’t the only one, during this time, Carl Jung also began exploring astrology. Jung, who created the psychological categories of introversion and extroversion and formed the basis for the popular Myers-Briggs personality test, utilized astrology in explaining the workings of the human psyche. He regularly referenced astrology in his books published from the 1920s through the 1970s, offering a legitimate point of reference for astrology to those serious scientist uninterested in theosophical new-age pseudoscience mania. Since then, a number of personality disorders are known to correlate with the month of birth, Schizotypal personality (which is different from schizophrenia) is one of them.
Law enforcement often struggles to connect the dots to identify someone as a killer beyond a reasonable doubt or locate a missing person. Forensic astrology can serve a much-needed civic and legal function -it helps connect dots between the crime and the perpetrator. Today, many serious astrologers are collaborating with law enforcement to find missing persons or assist in cold case files:
"There are characteristics that serial killers have in common across the board," says forensic psychologist Dr. Caoimhe McAnena, "like sadistic traits, wanting other people to suffer." McAnena, considered one of the UK's most experienced psychologists in her field, previously worked with high-profile offenders like Levi Bellfield, who murdered English schoolgirl Milly Dowler. Although there isn't any significant research into the personalities of serial killers yet, she says, she's still able to rattle off a list of further traits: "A high level of fantasy, which is very often linked into sexual fantasy. And that might be linked to the murders, but not always. They often have antisocial personality traits, which means they are people who have committed varied types of offending."
A New Your Post article “Meet the psychic who uses gift to solve FBI cold cases” Highlights Troy Griffin. Griffin’s testimony is not admissible in court, but he says he’s worked on about 100 cases in the United States, Germany, Canada and Australia -99 percent of them unpaid.
Additionally, there are hundreds of books written on forensic astrology using horary among other astrology techniques to solve crimes, pinpoint or eliminate suspects, gain clues from the crime scene chart, and profile criminals. Astrological DNA is real!
You can’t completely erase the darkness but we can work to curtail its activity and level of disruption in our lives. -Forensic Astrologer, B.D. Salerno
The nuts and bolts
There are two possible but related approachesto exploring cold case files or finding missing persons in astrology.There are more -but the two larger categories keep us from getting lost in technical terms or astrology lingo.The first is to cast an event chart for the time and place of the crime (An event chart is a horoscope that is cast for the date, time and place of a particular event. Such a chart is interpreted to gain insight into influences surrounding the event and an outlook for possible developments stemming from that event.) -thisobviously requires you to know both those details but there are many crimes in which they are known.For crimes where you don't know the time and place, then horary (In horary, an astrologer attempts to answer a question by casting a chart for the exact time at which the question was received and understood by the astrologer.) is an appropriate approach.
Forensic astrologers can erect a chart for a major event, such as the moment a child was determined missing, and interpret it as though the event were a person in its own right. For example, if a chart was cast for the date of a marathon or a national event then one can interpret the chart to determine influences surrounding the event. There are detailed rules for how to select the significator (the planet that represents the victim, perpetrator, and others involved in the crime). The significator along with the Moon and other factors in the chart help astrologers determine the sex, age, form and stature of the perpetrator. Such factors have the capacity to reveal where were the perpetrator has fled, using the houses to indicate direction we can tell whether the he or she is moving quickly or slowly from the motion of the significator and identify whether the weapons or bodies are in fields or cities -near a wall or a dumpster ect.
It’s important to note that there are special circumstances where an astrologer may not be able to properly analyze the chart -this can be seen within the chart. Thereare four main prescriptions that caution against reading a chart (an ascendant that is either in the first three degrees indicates that it’s too early to know the answer or in the last three degrees of a sign indicates that the matter is already settled, so you can find out the particulars, but you must be aware you can’t at this point change the outcome. Saturn in the 7thhouse suggests that the astrologer interpreting the chart doesn’t understand it, or may miss something. If the Moon is Void there is no way to ever know what you seek to know).
An example
Here is an Forensic reading based on the publicly announced times of events surrounding five year-old Timothy Wiltsey. Timothy was reported missing by his mother, Michelle Lodzinski, after both allegedly attended a carnival in Sayreville, New Jersey, on May 25, 1991. I lived in South New Jersey at the time and remember how the story dominated the local media. As it stands, no one has been apprehended for the crime -although New Jersey detectives strongly suspected foul play on the mother’s part.
May 25, 1991, Sayreville, NJ, 8:30 PM
Fixed stars portray an ugly story here. The malevolent fixed star Antares is rising on the Ascendant of this chart. Mars, ruler of fifth house of children, is exactly conjunct Pleiades, literally known as “the Weeping Sisters,” a star of great tragedy and sorrow. Jupiter, ruling Timothy, is found in the eighth house of death and vultures: Timothy’s body was never found intact; only a few remains were found a year later, in April 1992, inside an abandoned tire in a field in Edison, NJ. The manner of death was never determined due to the poor condition of Timothy’s remains, which were finally laid to rest in May 1992.
The horoscope paints a disturbing picture of the circumstances surrounding Timothy’s sad death: there is a Grand Cross in fixed signs, formed by Moon in Scorpio opposite Mercury in Taurus, crossed by Saturn in Aquarius opposite Jupiter in Leo. I believe the Moon represents Timothy’s mother: her behavior was suspicious after the crime, and she changed her story many times when interviewed by police, who came to suspect her, but were unable to come up with any solid evidence. The Moon in Scorpio reveals her as secretive and obstructive. Scorpio is one of the three “mute” signs in Astrology, the other being companion water signs Cancer and Pisces. Michelle Lodzinski, only 23 years old at the time of the murder, never spoke about what really happened, other than to blame the abduction on individuals whose existence was questionable, and to then change her story several times. In addition, this secretive Scorpio Moon is opposing Mercury, an astrological indication of lying and deception. The sign on the tenth house also shows the mother; here it is Virgo, ruled by Mercury. The mother’s account cannot be trusted. Whether or not she had an involvement is not the purpose of this analysis, but clearly the detectives’ suspicions were not unfounded. Twenty-six degrees of Virgo on the mother’s tenth house show a degree of desperation. Mercury also rules the seventh house of the criminal, the “open enemy.” If she was not directly involved, she certainly appears to know a great deal more than she has ever revealed to investigators about her sons abduction and eventual murder.
Mars, ruler of fifth of children, also rules twelfth of secrecy and hidden misdeeds and it finds itself in the critical last degrees of the sign Cancer (family) in the eighth house of death. Was the death a family misdeed, and covered up? We won’t know. Michelle Lodzinski eventually left the state of New Jersey for greener pastures in Minnesota, where she is leading a new life under a new name. All the more reason for the Weeping Sisters to mourn for Timothy, whose killer(s) may never be known and may never be brought to justice.
See February 2019 horoscopes.
For More information on personal cycles read HowTransits Keep Us on Track.
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