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DESTINY vs. FREE WILL: A Deeper Understanding of Divinity

Writer's picture: Holistic Pink Print Holistic Pink Print

I came to these conclusions through increased understanding of astrology. For most spirituality or religion serve as part of the illusion giving the false understanding that our control is tied to something greater than us. However, after working with many clients in my astrology practice, with varying backgrounds and seeing the accuracy of astrology prove itself time and time again regardless of the faith or will of the person before me I began to ask some crucial questions about free will and purpose. The harsh truth:

The only free will is to pay back karma; when and how is not your decision -it's fulfilled through the mechanism of desire, your desire. Car is body, driver is mind and soul is passenger. Please read to the end as I am not describing a meaningless life and I'm fully aware that this information is not for everyone. Passenger or soul, is observing everything and driver (mind) tells the car (body) to do what the antenna of mind is receiving robotically, via wifi from the matrix. The notion of free will is part of the game an a trick of desire. The only true will is to perform karma. Moving beyond free will is graduating, escaping this earthly plane, and breaking the illusion of the matrix. The matrix or maya is constructed via planets moving across the southern side of horizon, these are the planets astrology analyzes to determine one's outcomes and possibilities in life. Whats on the northern side? Vedic astrology teaches that the Northern planets are the gods those not bound by the matrix and the souther side controlling earthy events belong to the asuras (fallen ones) -yes we are the asuras, the "demons". Reborn numerous times as a gift from the creator to balance the soul via performing karma and eventually escape this planetary matrix. Death and rebirth offers a chance to shed this biomechanical suit. But only after we finally see that we are not in control here, can we escape the cycles of the planetary clock, and thus gain the true awareness of reality and negate yet another cycle of rebirth to get closer to the creator, closer to our true self -that which we have fallen from.

Here's another analogy, you are a space ship, the food you eat is the rocket fuel, and the soul is the astronaut peering out the window. The lives you live through karma represent the countdown into other realms, 5-4-3-2-1-blast-off. You blast off when you finally submit the souls desire to complete all karma (sometimes that means you have to live an incredibly hard life without binding yourself to pain) and move on. When you move on you pass this life never to return, you'll enter a new space ship, you dawn a new biomechanical suit, in a new realm that's a bit closer to the creator (your true self).

So, I know this sounds harsh but the fact is we have 'NO' free will in the body or mind and "Infinite" free will via the soul. Thus, freedom or moksha depends on our state of balance between mind, body and soul.

Until you make the unconscious, conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate - Carl Jung

For those fully invested in the minute matrix reality the planets define their rhythm and free will is lacking. From this perspective the universe can be translated into binary code. Our feelings and emotions are programmed. For example, If Im feeling sad right now or if I'm missing someone and the passion or obsession create ego driven goals that cause me to take action. I might call them on the phone or stop by their house, or reach out is some way because the light information hitting my antenna (personal frequency based on birth ay time and location) via sky luminaries is picking up dictates that this is how I'll feel and what I'm capable of. We all are just slaves of what we call universe (which is really only the matrix mechanisms- the actual universe is so much more). Psychologists have confirmed that 99% of behavior is not under our control. The well documented, and wildly popular "universal laws" like Law of attraction only exist from this binary code like perspective where the "universe is quite finite, and forces are pushing and pulling within the matrix of the illusion created by the planets in the southern sky. I suspect many of these rules or laws are just a fairytale.

In truth, however, the universe is quantum, variable and dependent on you. With such a mindset you can remove the ball and chain of the planets that dictate your fate by committing to balance karma and understanding that we are much higher than the planets themselves, we represent the cosmic universe, and are part and parcel of the creator. This is not an easy task.

Our body is symbolic of the entire physical universe, the planets represent the chakras. The infinite universe represents the nebula like brain we have. Full of dark and grey matter. As above so below. - The Kybalion

To reach this point there are a few questions we have to ask ourselves beyond what, who, and where is God. We must begin to ask: How or why are consistently accurate predictions possible? Why is everything around me a smaller or larger version of the same thing (eg. atom vs. planet, sperm vs. spinal cord, or sun/moon vs. right/left eye)? What does your preferred religious text actually do for you and to you; how and why? I began asking many of these questions in my 20's and as I evolved over the years, through study, and honest personal confrontation I began an astrology practice that forced me to accept the answer to these questions and many more. In this way, astrology has become a relief -though, not for the faint of heart. If you understand life from the perspective that I've outlined herein then seemingly negative predictions or life circumstances become blessings they are a chance to relieve karma, find balance, get closer understanding the nature of this plane, and find the wisdom to accept the part our own soul has played in this fiasco, and move on.

So how do we get karma in the first place? My answer, given my current understanding of the divine is, two ways; initial karma came from devolution of the soul e.g. "falling" e.g. losing the understanding of self. Which I believe is a natural cycle of the soul to devolve and evolve according to the weight it carries. Anyhow, while living out this karma in a state of ignorance we left ourselves vulnerable to being tricked into signing soul contracts that ensure we continue acting on this stage of life, "this lifetime, i'll be your brother, and you can shoot me,"....and so on. So, think of karma as a time loop. How much of history repeats itself? We definitely don't have the saying for no reason. The times we are living in feel like the 60s' and the folks in the sixties believed the time they were living in felt like the 30's and so on. The same folks are here in new suits with new roles to play. Time is a kin to the confined process of breathing LOCKED in an in and out motion, confinement rebellion motion, dream and wake motion, a systematic cyclical motion like that of the known planets. Remember that God the all knowing is balanced and he creates both, day and night, winter and spring, good and evil (evolving and devolving). So, if we acknowledge that we are locked in a time loop/ karma loop we must acknowledge that there is an opposite freeing loop, timeless, and boundless loop. When we enter the boundless space, we DO NOT have to sign on to come here again we can choose to dawn any spacecraft we'd like, to act on any stage we choose and drive any car on whatever road we imagine.

So, strive to tear up the contracts and release people from your emotional ties. Forgive and allow healing to remove as much karma as you can. You can identify it by your emotions fear and anger are the strongest, release it until you are no longer triggered by a karmic tie. Do your best not to create anymore -this means letting things go, act on them as you choose in the moment but don't allow your mind to return to that moment after the experience is over. The best way to do this is to commit to being honest and true to yourself without hurting others at all times and in all situations. It's hard, but we're all dealing with the same thing.

As for fighting for the freedom of all souls", remember that ultimately, this is a Game, that we are all playing here. We are actors, playing on the "stage of Life". This 'world' is all illusion, or 'though-form'. No one really "dies", and no one is really hurt. In between incarnations, you know this very well. But the rules of the game ensure that you must forget who you really are, so that you believe it is all 'real' whilst you are playing the game of Life. That is an essential prerequisite when you are making choices. Otherwise, the game would be too easy. This world is not reality. Though we can express Reality in it, if we so chose. -Hidden Hand interview


For more insight into prediction and accuracy read What Makes Tarot So Accurate.

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