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Fundamentals of Sacred Geometry

Writer's picture: Holistic Pink Print Holistic Pink Print

Updated: Jun 3, 2019

According to famed astrologer Ernest Wilhelm (from which this entire article is derived via his book Graha Sutras), In order to understand the meaning of the numbers each number can be described with the aid of geometric forms. Understanding the numbers in this manner will assist in understanding self. If you find this interesting you may want to check out this read as well.

One is geometrically symbolized simply by a single point. It is the essential component part of all other forms and numbers and therefore of great importance. As the essential component part it represents the root element fro which all has its source. One represents the beginning and initiation of all forms. As the integral part of all other forms, the One also represents completion and fulfillment.

Beginnings, and initiations, are primary key words for One, while completion and fulfillment may be taken as secondary due to the One being integral to all other numbers (Soul).

Two is geometrically symbolized by a straight line, which is the form derived from two points. Between the two ends of the line there is always a center point, a point of balance.

One end to the line is on the left, the other on the right; or one is above and the other is below. Two therefore represents duality yin and yang, male and female, positive and negative, ect. The energy of the two is one of contrasting, but interactive forces, as the two points, though opposite, are joined. Any influence to one affects the other.

If we extend one end of the line, then the middle point shifts as well, the line has changed but the balance is maintained. This is also shown by the yin yang symbol of duality, where the forces are in constant flux and change, but always balanced.

Balance is a primary keyword for the Two. Contrasting through interaction, one affecting the other, and change that is based upon maintaining balance are also key to the Two (Mind).

Three is symbolized geometrically by an equal lateral triangle. For the first time we have a figure that encloses a space; tangibility and form now manifest. This is not a form of stability or stagnation, but rather, as the triangle symbolizes, a form of energy.

Attaching a similar triangle to each edge of the original triangle crates a similar, but larger triangle; Growth has occured.

Extending the edges of the original triangle we arrive at six lines that extend in such a manner as to never cross each other; The whole figure is one of expansion.

Growth, expansion, and energy are keywords of the Three, keeping in mind that growth and expansion are both due to energy. Growth and expansion that are the result of applied energy (Will-power).

Four is symbolized by a square. The very form of a square is one of stability.

Attaching similar squares to each edge of the original square creates the figure of a cross. Across is a symbol of the integration and unification of two contrasting forces. The four represents some attainment of the Two. This attainment creates stability.

Extending the edges of the original square; once again a cross is formed. This cross is somewhat different than the proceeding cross as its four arms extend infinitely.

This form also gives a sense of growth, like the Three, but in a slower, more stable and consistent manner. The growth of the Three is due to energy and gives expansion, while the growth of the Four is for reasons of security, the desire to maintain stability.

A final geometric exercise, which was not possible with the triangle of the Three, is to connect the angles within the form. Again a cross is formed symbolizing attainment and stability, but in the inside of the square and thus the Four also represents inner security, which is the result of experiencing

concrete security.

Stability and attainment are primary keywords for the Four; inner and outer security can be taken as a secondary keyword (Body).

Five is symbolized by a pentacle. The interior angles of the pentacle measure 108 degrees, a number symbolizing fulfillment.

Connecting the inner angles of the Pentacle creates a five pointed star; a pentagram; inner star. The pentagram has long been a symbol of grace, and luck.

Extending the edges of the original pentacle creates again a pentagram; outside star. The symbol of the pentagram holds its sway in full on the Five.

Attaching similar pentacles to each edge of the original pentacle yields the drawing of a "flower'. It is noticed,

however, that there is an element of open space between each "petal" which can never be filled by a pentacle.

There is therefore a noticeable lack in the sense that it is no longer possible to build upon the structure of the Five; there is a lack of construction potential. This lack at some point in time causes one to turn away from the fulfillment of the Five in order to grow, but this turning away is often not one of choice. Changes, therefore, may come that force this; or stated another way, grace is not always easy.

Fulfillment, luck and grace, are primary keywords of the Five and, therefore, lack of construction potential leading to change may be taken as secondary keys (Life-lessons).

Six is geometrically symbolized by a hexagon. A hexagon is a form of efficiency. "honeycomb' is an engineering term relating to hexagonal cross sections that make efficient use of materials.

Extending the edges of the original hexagon we arrive at a six pointed star. The sis-pointed star is formed by two triangles, one pointing upward and the other downward. The upward pointing star is energy moving upward, while the downwards pointing star is energy moving downwards. There is a harmony of forces; spirit and matter, which is what gives the capacity for balanced enjoyment.

Attaching similar hexagons to the original hexagon creates the honeycomb pattern. Once again, there

are no gaps between the hexagons. Recall that in the Five there were gaps, being representative of a lock of potential growth. In the Six this growth is again possible which gives an improvement over the Five.

Connecting the inner angles of the hexagon yields a pattern from which two noticeable patterns emerge.

A six pointed star, stressing the point of harmony, now seen inwardly as well.

And six inner triangles; notice that the six inner triangles are the exact size of the six external triangles. Only in the Six do we have such an example of balanced harmony. The outer fully reflects the inner.

Outer circumstances, achievements, and success reflect what one experiences inwardly; to say it another way, what one experiences inwardly makes the events of the Six happen (Free-will).

Seven is represented by a heptagon.

Attaching similar forms to each edge of the original heptagon creates the form above. The overlapping of the

outer heptagons is symbolic of the outer unable to match the inner. What's within isn't matched externally.

Connecting all the inner angles, two noticeable forms emerge; Seven pointed star created by extending the edges of the heptagon.

And another, though different, seven pointed, inner, star.

Notice that the outer star is formed by the same sized and shaped triangles as are surrounding the inner star; the inner desires that are lacking external fulfillment are represented by the points of the outer seven-pointed star. This discontent is the natural result of the consciousness being separated from Spirit. The seven pointed star is a symbol of discontent that motivates the search and striving that is one's only hope when one finds that their world is unable to satisfy, ideally this is the spiritual search. This search results in change of some sort.

Change, searching, striving, all the result of the inner not being matched by the outer are qualities of Seven (Adversity).

Eight is geometrically symbolized by an octagon.

Attaching similar octagons to each edge of a center octagon creates the above image. Once again there is overlap; the inner is still unsatisfied by the outer. Notice however that the trapezoidal overlaps are balanced forms, in fact the whole form is one of balance. In the Eight, external balance is created, though fulfillment is not given.

Connecting the inner angles, three noticeable patterns emerge.

Eight triangles; these are non-equilateral triangles symbolizing directed force which provides focused energy, or power.

And an eight-pointed star, that is actually two crosses inverted.

And an eight-pointed star created from two interlaced squares.

We have a star formed by two interlaced, separately complete forms; we also had this with the two triangles in the Six. The triangles represented energy; the squares represent stability, attainment, and security. There is, therefore, a harmony concentrating on these. One of these squares or crosses, however, is not stabilized as it is on edge. The Eight is, therefore, indicative of creating stability, attainment and security, where there is none, but through the use of what one has that is stable, attained, and secure, and that which is not. Also, stability needs to be created where there is none by utilizing that which is stable attained and secure. The Eight is thus able to bring balance and stability, where there is none, utilizing that which is stable (Perseverance).

Nine is geometrically symbolized by a nonagon.

Attaching similar nonagons to each edge of the original nonagon yields the above image. Again there is an overlap; the outer does not fulfill the inner, as we have seen in every number after Seven.

Connecting the inner angles of the nonagon reveals three prominent stars.

The three stars seen below have reference to the collective energies of the nine numbers in their constructive and energetic qualities and reveal the completeness of the number Nine. Most importantly, there is a nine-pointed star consisting of three interlaced triangles.

The three triangles are representative of the Divine or Christ Consciousness, the number 333. The inside is complete and harmonious within itself. It is the inner completion, harmony and high state of consciousness that allows for happiness an bliss regardless of the external circumstances.

Extending the outer edges of the nonagon yields an outer star of the same type as the inner star.

Notice that in Seven, Eight, and Nine, there is always an outer star the is the same type as one of the inner stars. In the Nine however there is also one inner star that is not found outside the geometric form of the Nine -there is always something inside that is not to be found outside. There is always something hidden within.

Completion, happiness, inner harmony -though not necessarily outer, higher consciousness and bliss are keywords of the Nine (Freedom).

It's been a joy sharing my studies with you. As always, best of luck to you in all that you do!


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