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Introduction to Astrology for Self-Development

Writer's picture: Holistic Pink Print Holistic Pink Print

Astrology may in many respects be viewed as the spiritual genome of the human consciousness similar to the physical genome which has been coded from the information within the helix of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) which lies at the root of the cellular structure and contains the information necessary for nature to evolve a separate and unique organism in accordance with the chemical sequences encoded on its strands. The complex diversity of human consciousness as expressed in the art of Astrology is the result of many millennia of careful and dedicated study by the practitioners of this art. Within this vast matrix of information, the individual can discover and reveal aspects of their consciousness that remain dormant or unrecognized and thus advance their evolutionary spiritual development.

As an example, the ancient Mayans developed their comprehensive astrology from the study of the personality and temperament of hundreds of thousands of persons born into their society and corresponding them to the time and season of the year as well as to the positions of the planets in the heavens on their day of birth. From this vast undertaking emerged an encyclopedic knowledge of the variations in human character and temperament which formed the basis of an astrological methodology used to order their society and bring it in harmony with the planetary energies that influenced the lives of each individual.

Spiritual astrologers incorporate the relationship between the individual and the Universe by focusing on the psychological expression of the Planets and Signs within the 12 areas of human experience represented by the Houses. From this perspective astrology as a tool for human development, a way to learn yourself, and find truth. This type of astrology makes it possible to realize your highest potential in this life, and fully actualize all your inner creative abilities. By understanding your “Starmap” i.e. Natal Chart as a map of the spiritual expression of self-awareness – one may proceed with greater confidence, ability and insight into the many circumstances that face you on life’s journey.

The spiritual view supported here is a progression from previous course sections. In astrology we recognize that everything with life is progressing towards acknowledging a greater truth within the Cosmic Consciousness (also known as spirit) in accordance with the Divine Plan which reflects a currently incomprehensible truth of everything. Spirit pervades all of the creation by extending itself invisibly into stars, planets, and living organisms. Personal development (or evolution) is the process by which Spirit creates opportunities for learning and growth that are graduated levels of recognition and understanding of truth or truth(s) on various levels. Just think of how your teenage self-thought you knew it all and desperately wanted to be an adult, for example. Once adulthood arrives, you begin to say – “If I only know then what I know now!” In this same way there are levels to knowing and your starmap can certainly prepare you for levels ahead.

To be clear, I’m not saying astrology is a solution to all the concerns of life but rather as an effective tool of living life in the most meaningful way possible. This course has an interactive design which allows you, ample space for notes and the ability to construct your personal starmap one step at a time. Through this course section, you’ll come to know your Inner Lights and follow them as your guides.

Consider this the basic instruction and construction of your Natal Chart. Every effort has been made to achieve both clarity and intelligibility in the presentation of this method of astrological interpretation. Numerous charts are used for illustrative purposes in every context where the goal of clear understanding will be served. Every concept is explained in sufficient detail to foster authentic understanding and no prior knowledge of Natal Chart erection, casting, or astrological interpretation is presumed. For mare advance study of astrology, transits, and astrological alignments in it various forms please refer to other courses offered on this site.

The Foundation of Astrology for Self-Development

Astrology is a symbolic art. The symbols of the Planets and Signs that are central to this art do not correlate to direct action on the part of the physical planetary bodies within the solar system actively impacting the life of individual’s. The Planets and Signs are used to express the archetypal characters, principals and energies inherent in life as perceived from our collective experience of life on Earth.

Given this perspective, the method we’ll explore in this course prescribes that the seven sacred planets of the ancients (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) do not refer to the physical bodies of our solar system but are symbolic representations of the seven aspects of the life force and energy. The planetary energies (feelings) represent the conscious awareness and the Signs represent the manifestation of that energetic awareness in the natural universe (actions). The Houses organize the activities which comprise human life into loose categories. As a whole, the houses, comprise the entire sphere of human experience from birth to death.

For example, if Mars (planet/feelings) in your chart is residing in Scorpio (sign/ actions) in the 7th House (life activity) this could be expressed as Mars (the architype of aggressive energy) acting in a manner characteristic of Scorpio (intense, passionate and emotional) in the 7th House (the House of Relationships, which encompasses marriage and business relationships.) Thus based on your chart you have a tendency to lead the charge in contractual arrangements.

This method of Astrology, in accord with the ancients, considers only the seven sacred planets acting in their Elements and Modes; the Ascendant, and the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and the two Lunar Nodes.

The outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), which were added by Western astrologers after their discovery by astronomers, as well as the various asteroids and comets which enter our Solar System, are not considered within the context of this course section.

The Planets

The Primal Will differentiated itself into seven active sentient energies which, from the point of view of this methodology, represent the progenitor powers underlying and acting in all creation. The activity of these energies are reflected symbolically as the seven planets which, when taken as a whole, comprise the symbolic representation of the principal of consciousness as manifested in the human being. A planet (aspect of consciousness) is perceived as being influenced or “colored” by the energy of the Sign (natural energy) in which it resides and acts upon the House (area of experience) in which it is resident.

The Signs

Each aspect of life force manifests itself in two characteristic ways in accordance with the universal law of duality. These two manifestations are the “day” and “night” thrones or domiciles (“homes”) of the planets i.e., the two qualities of expression that are most characteristic of their energy. To return to our previous example of the planet Mars, this planet has two domiciles, that of Aries and that of Scorpio, which are the day and night, or masculine and feminine, or external and internal expressions of its activity in nature (you and me), respectively.

The two exceptions to this are the Sun and the Moon which have only one domicile (“home”) as they express the primal essences, the Masculine (Sun) and the Feminine (Moon). These characteristic expressions by the two domiciles of the planets are further individualized by the Elemental character and Mode of the particular Sign. We’ll explore elements and modes in more detail later on.

The Houses

The Houses represent the organization of the activities which comprise human life into loose categories which, when taken as a whole, complete the entire sphere of human experience from birth to death. They are essentially experience solidified into cohesive and logical groupings so the areas of life in which the planetary powers find their principal focus can be clearly perceived and understood.

Circle of Life ‘Wheels within Wheels’

You can think of the Zodiac as the circle of life, around which every individual is destined to travel from the time they enter the natural world in birth until their departure in physical death. By living through the experiences of the 12 Houses we come into contact with the spiritual forces and natural energies represented by the Planets and the Signs. Through the study of astrology we develop an awareness of our relationship with the Universe from which emerges a vision of our purpose for living. and a mastery of self -- as we begin to acknowledge the fundamental unity between ourselves and all creation. There is an opportunity for spiritual growth by harmonizing the information in this course section with your personal experience and integrating the insights that astrology provides where it resonates.

The Starmap

At the heart of astrological practice lies the Natal Chart, or what I like to refer to as the Starmap. It’s a snapshot of the heavens as viewed from Earth on the exact moment you took your first breath immediately after birth (spirit); at the specific date, time and place of your entry into the world. The example chart above will serve as the basis for this discussion of the starmap, its primary elements and their interrelationship with one another.

The Western Natal Chart is erected as a circle which is divided into twelve equal areas of exactly 30 Degrees (30°) apiece (12 x 30° = 360° = the total number of degrees in a circle).

  • Each 30° area is assigned to a Sign/House combination determined by the actual birth information of the individual for whom the chart is casted. The planets are resident in these Sign/House combinations depending upon their position at the time of the individual’s birth.

  • The inner ring displays a series of numbers from 1 to 12 in a counterclockwise direction. These represent the Houses (areas of life experience) that were previously discussed.

  • In the middle ring reside the planets according to their position in the Zodiac at the time and place of birth.

  • On the outer ring the signs of the Zodiac according to their astrological position viewed from the time, date and place of birth are displayed.

  • Using the chart above as an example we are going to pursue an examination of its structure and symbolism so as to attain a total clarity and understanding before you cast your own chart.

The chart is constructed upon a model of three concentric rings. In the innermost ring are inscribed a series of numbers from 1 to 12 reading in a counterclockwise direction. These numbers identify the various Houses of Astrology which deal with the various aspects of human experience in the natural world. In the second ring there is also a twelvefold division into wedge shaped sections somewhat like a pie that has been sectioned for serving. This ring is inhabited by the planets or the energies of consciousness which act within the various houses. In the final ring reside the Signs of the Zodiac which are read counterclockwise from the 1st House, which is commonly called the Sign of the Ascendant, as it is the Sign rising in the east at the moment of your birth. Consider this your personal sun.

Obtaining your natal chart: There are a number of options available to help you attain an accurate starmap Below are discussed the options which are available to you so as to enable you to make an informed choice as to how you will go about obtaining your Chart:

  1. You can draw up your chart from scratch. This method is not for the fainthearted as it involves lengthy and complex mathematical calculations and detailed research to determine the correct positions of the planets with respect to the local time and the longitude and latitude of your birthplace. This was the method of the ancients and of astrologers before the advent of modern computers and software. If you decide to go for it you can always use the other methods listed to check your work.

  2. You may purchase a specialized software program for your computer which will allow you to cast your starmap as well as those of other people if you are inclined to learn and practice astrology.

  3. Lastly, you can obtain a copy of your chart from an online service or a local astrologer. The Internet offers thousands of sources from which you can obtain your chart, but before you do so please make sure that you completely understand the following information.

Whether you are casting your own chart or requesting one from an outside source there are two major factors that you need to take into consideration before-hand. The first is the type of Zodiac being employed and the second is the choice of the House System used by the software or provider source. Both of these factors are extremely important and will affect the overall design of your starmap.

There two most common type of Zodiac used to cast modern Natal charts are the Tropical Zodiac and the Sidereal Zodiac. The important difference between them is that the Tropical Zodiac is oriented according to the seasons of Nature while the Sidereal zodiac is orientated according to the exact positions of the stars. The Tropical zodiac is the dominant approach used in Western Astrology.

Throughout the history of astrology, there has been more than one approach to the division of the chart into the twelve segments which comprise the House System of the Chart. These systems go by various names such as Placidius, Koch, and Regiomontanus and are usually named after the noted historical astrologers who developed them. Other House Systems are named after their approach to the division of the chart into twelve equal segments such as the system employed in this book which is termed the: “Whole Sign System”.

In simplest terms, this system divides the chart into twelve equal house segments each of which is covered by the full 30° of the Zodiac Sign which inhabits the house. Each Sign/House combination begins on 0° of the Sign and ends on 30° of its associated Sign. On this page is illustrated the Whole Sign System in the natural Zodiac which is identical to a chart whose first house carries the rising Sign of Aries. NOTE: We’re using the whole sign system because the math is easier to comprehend. When erecting your own chart this is the least accurate system as very few people are born at exactly 0°.

Astro Lingo: Planets & Symbols

Learning something new, as you know, always involves learning new vocabulary words. In this section you will learn a brand new language (lingo). The vocabulary associated with Astrology includes Planets, Signs, Houses, Elements, Modes and other specialized terms. Consider this similar to learning the language of music where you would have to learn to speak of notes, clefs, chords and all the other diverse and specialized terms that comprise the musical language. I am comparing musical lingo to Astrology to highlight the distinction that must be made concerning the images used to portray the various concepts. Just as in music, an astrological image is more than a symbol – it is more rightly termed a “glyph” i.e., a complex symbol with multiple levels of meaning and should always be approached from a multifaceted perspective.

The Ascendant Sign

This is the sign of the Zodiac that was rising on the horizon at the moment of your birth. It is a most fundamental aspect of you as an individual – the foundation upon which your individuality is built– and determines the astrological character of the soil out of which your consciousness has grown and developed. This is how people see and respond to you, similar to how we see the sun rise every morning.

The Seven Personal Planets

The Planets express aspects of your inner consciousness experience and when collectively analyzed, the manifestation of the consciousness principal in the individual. It is accurate to visualize the Planets as the inner powers (DNA) of your being which maintain and energize your spiritual life (chakras).


The Sun represents that aspect of your consciousness which you experience as yourself consciousness – the “I” through which you express your free will. This is your outward nature.


The Moon represents that aspect of consciousness which you experience as your inner nature. To the ancients the Moon represented the “sensitive mind” and may be represented as the expression of the emotional dimension of the personality as well as the realm of intuition, dream and imagination.


Mercury represents that aspect of your consciousness that you inwardly experience as your reason and intellect –both logical and moral intelligence. It is also associated with your outward expression of thought and communication.


Venus represents that aspect of your consciousness that you experience as your desire nature – the desire for love, beauty, relationship, money, material possessions and pleasure.


Mars represents that aspect of your consciousness which you experience as your aggressive natural energy – your will to survive and live which manifests itself as the drive to work and succeed.


Jupiter represents that aspect of your consciousness that you experience as your growth energy – the energy of expansion and of the nurturing will that propels you forward on your evolutionary journey. The Jupitarian energy within you carries the potentials of your overall fortune and prosperity in life.


To the ancients, Saturn represented the power of “agnoia” (self unknowing) --the hatred of knowledge or ignorance which causes a restriction and limitation that will be experienced where-ever this planet resides in the chart. Saturn is also connected to time (karma), law, punishment, and servitude.

The Lunar Nodes

The Lunar Nodes are not actually considered planets but rather sensitive points in the Natal Chart. Analyzing these points in an individual chart is an ancient practice. Essentially, the Nodes represent the place where the Moon crosses the path of the Sun as seen from the Earth (the “ecliptic”). Thus there are two nodal points –North, and South that are always exactly opposing one another. Their traditional meanings in your Natal Chart are explained below.


The position of The South Node in your chart represents an unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness. It is essentially old habits that you are carrying around that needs to be analyzed so that you can incorporate and express them in ways that improve and progress your life.


The position of The North Node in your chart represents “the answer” – where you will discover what you need to understand when analyzing the unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness as revealed by the South Node. In essence the North Node represents the key to the lock “South Node. When combined an individual is able to unlock the mystery of their habitual nature.

The Signs

The twelve signs of the Zodiac are energies that color a planet’s expressions. They might also be expressed as an energy atmosphere that surrounds the occupying planet thus influencing or adding character to its expression in the areas of daily life experiences represented by the houses.

The Sign of Aries

The sign of Aries represents the principal of activity – it is a dynamic energy determined to express itself as a unique and individual expression of the source. It is the birth of being, character and the root of personal identity. Aries imparts an energetic and dynamic character to the energy of the planets residing in its Sign.

The Sign of Taurus

Taurus represents the energy of stability, comfort and self-substantiation: it represents the growth and expansion of values and resources. Taurus imparts a stable and practical character to the energy of the planets residing in its Sign.

The Sign of Gemini

The energy of Gemini imparts an interactive energy to any planet residing in its Sign. Gemini focuses on thinking and communication and its focus is on the exploration and development of the mental faculties and how they are applied in the world.

The Sign of Cancer

The sign of Cancer represents an internalizing energy - a getting in touch with the inner emotional world - its focus is on feelings and expresses its energy based on familial or close emotional relationships. Cancer imparts a caring and nurturing energy to planets residing in its Sign.

The Sign of Leo

Leo is the externalizing energy of the Zodiac; it manifests itself as the reproductive energy in progeny or in creative works. It represents how the creative energies are directed. It is the unfolding of the self-expressive urge. Leo imparts an outgoing, energetic and powerfully spirited energy to planets residing in its Sign.

The Sign of Virgo

Virgo is the obstructing impulse of the Zodiac; it relates to material practicality and work and relates to the purification and improvement of self through facing and surmounting the obstacles encountered on one’s life path. Virgo imparts a practical and analytical energy to planets residing in its Sign.

The Sign of Libra

Libra is the balancing energy of the Zodiac through which we achieve the balance between the spiritual and the material. This energy represents the attainment of inner balance and the resolution of the opposites in life. Libra imparts a cooperative and harmonious energy to planets residing in its Sign.

The Sign of Scorpio

The sign of Scorpio expresses the cosmic energies of regeneration and decay. It represents the encounter with the secret and unexpected dimensions of life. It contains within it the cosmic polarities of wisdom and self-destruction or illumination and ignorance Scorpio imparts an intense, passionate and transformative energy to planets residing in its Sign.

The Sign of Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the sign of spiritual expansion and educational evolution. It is the energy of the Zodiac which nurtures the development of a meaningful philosophy of life. Sagittarius imparts an expansive, broadened perspective and spiritual energy to planets residing in its Sign.

The Sign of Capricorn

The sign of Capricorn represents the materializing impulse of the will as expressed in an individual’s career, status, influence and personal recognition acquired through it. Capricorn imparts a responsible and practical energy to the planets residing in its Sign.

The Sign of Aquarius

The sign of Aquarius is the cosmic principal of a collective understanding and the expression of higher thought. It is an innovative and cooperative energy that grounds its-self in the intellectual growth that comes from social involvement. Aquarius imparts a “out-of-the-box” thinking and friendly energy to planets residing in its Sign.

The Sign of Pisces

Pisces symbolizes the release from material attachments and the spiritual self. It is expressive of an individual’s personal aesthetic and mystical side and is where they immerse themselves the spiritual waters of creation. Pisces imparts a dreamy and compassionate energy to planets residing in its Sign.

The Houses

The Twelve Houses of the Zodiac

The astrological houses collectively embody the entire life of an individual and encompass the totality of all possible and expected life experiences. Thus, knowing the astrological quality of your individual houses a person gains greater freedom to shape their life in accordance with their own free will.

The First House of Self Your personality and essential character: This is the house of your Self. It expresses your individual personality, general character and disposition. In this house you develop your personality and cultivate your unique consciousness as an individual. This 30º space on the zodiac wheel is naturally ruled by the sign of Aries and planet Mars.

The Second House of Material Foundation Your money, finances and material possessions: This is the house of your money, finances and material possessions and relates to your earning capacity and your financial gains or loses – your material development and the material resources and values of your early life. This 30º space on the zodiac wheel is naturally ruled by the sign of Taurus and planet Venus.

The Third House of Mental Development Your ability to reason and communicate: The Third House is the house of the mind and of mental development as expressed through the throat. It represents the exploration and development of your intellectual faculties and their application to the real world as well as your communication abilities. In this house you pursue your basic mental development and communicative skills. This 30º space on the zodiac wheel is naturally ruled by the sign of Gemini and the planet Mercury.

The Fourth House of the Home Your home life and domestic affairs: The Fourth House relates to the emotional environment of your home, to your family and to your private concerns. It is the emotional foundation of your life. In this house you experience and explore your emotional nature. This 30º space on the zodiac wheel is naturally ruled by the sign of Cancer and the Moon.

The Fifth House of Procreation Your creativity, romantic relationships and children: The affairs of the Fifth House encompass pregnancy, love (lust) affairs, children and romance as well as creativity, entertainment and pleasure. At its root of this house lies the self-expressive impulse. It is the house of active self-expression and experiential self-development and reflects your quest for self-fulfillment. In this house you will expand and multiply yourself through biological and fun creative projects. This 30º space on the zodiac wheel is naturally ruled by the sign of Leo and the Sun.

The Sixth House of Work and Obstacles Your work and difficulties: The Sixth House is the house of your necessary duties of life, your daily jobs and routines and your self-opposing relationships. This house expresses your integration of daily routine and the difficulties you will face in your social interactions. This 30º space on the zodiac wheel is naturally ruled by the sign of Virgo and planet Mercury.

The Seventh House of Relationships Your close personal or contractual relationships: The affairs of the Seventh House encompass the sphere of marriage, business partnerships and the close personal relationships in your life. In this house you form relationships with other people in the business world and in your personal and close social circles. This 30º space on the zodiac wheel is naturally ruled by the sign of Libra and planet Venus.

The Eighth House of Transformation Your House of Transformation: The Eighth House is where the right brained person will encounter their left brained side and the left brained person will encounter their right brained side. Its affairs center on sex, death and resurrection, power and the secret and hidden side of life. In this house we encounter previously unknown dimensions of life and ourselves and are compelled to come face to face with their power and mystery. This 30º space on the zodiac wheel is naturally ruled by the sign of Scorpio and planet Mars.

The Ninth House of Spirituality Your spiritual development and higher education: The Ninth House is the house of spiritual development, higher education and advanced learning. Its affairs represent your spiritual evolution, experience of the Divine and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness. In this house you expand your intellect and spiritual awareness. This 30º space on the zodiac wheel is naturally ruled by the sign Sagittarius and planet Jupiter.

The Tenth House of Career Your career and reputation: The affairs of the Tenth House center on your career, means of livelihood, professional success, your own achievements and your professional standing and status in the community. In this house you reap the rewards of your career accomplishments. This 30º space on the zodiac wheel is naturally ruled by the sign Capricorn and planet Saturn.

The Eleventh House of Organized Groups Your relationship with your friends (acquaintances) and your hopes and dreams for the future: The Eleventh House is the house of your social relationships and casual friendships and of your hopes and dreams for the future. In this house you experience the benefits of your status in society and the joys and pleasure of your relationships with friends made via organizations/clubs that collectively strive for the realization of your hopes and dreams. This 30º space on the zodiac wheel is naturally ruled by the sign Aquarius and planet Saturn.

The Twelfth House of Material Loss and Self Knowledge Your relationship to dreams, psychic powers and the Unconscious Mind: The Twelfth House is that of self-knowledge gained through the awareness of the inner Psyche. It can bring self-support and self-knowledge or self-limitation and self-deception. In this house you turn inward and gain the greatest self-knowledge through your experience of dreams, psychic intuition and creative imagination. The physical and material have no place in this house. This 30º space on the zodiac wheel is naturally ruled by the sign Pisces and planet Jupiter.

Signs and Elements

There are four active elements in Astrology – Fire, Water, Air and Earth which correspond to the Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical aspects of your life respectively. The proportions of these four elements in the chart express your fundamental way of perceiving the world. It helps to visualize this as being similar to wearing a pair of glasses that are “tinted” with these elements. These elements when associated with their corresponding signs are also known as triplicities, groups of three Signs that share the same element.

The Elements are conceptions that find a broad correspondence in the expression of the human experience of consciousness.

  • Fire is an active energy associated with the force of will, goal directed activity, initiative and creativity. It corresponds with the suite of Wands in the Tarot. Individuals whose Fire element dominates in their chart tend to express initiative and leadership abilities.

  • Earth expresses the action of the body, physicality, strength, growth and the material conditions of life. It is a stable and practical element which corresponds to the suite of Pentacles in the Tarot. The Earth element brings forth a practical, realistic and no nonsense approach to life.

  • Air expresses the action of articulate thought. It is associated with plans, spoken and written communication and things of the mind. Air individuals tend to be very mental and live lives dominated by logic and reason. Swords are the suite of the Tarot to which this element corresponds.

  • Water, the last of the four ancient elements, expresses the actions of the emotions. Water is love and affection, dreams, desires, pleasure, romance and friendship. Water is sensitive, compassionate and intuitive and finds expression in the Tarot suite of Cups.

Those who are predominately water live through feeling and value the imagination and often express what they feel through artistic creations or compassionate service to others such as participation in charitable or philanthropic activities.

The Fire Triplicity

In the Natal Chart, the Fire Triplicity is comprised of three Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fire is the most active of all of the astrological elements and expresses an active, creative and spiritual energy. It is the symbol of the will and of action and individuals with this dominant element in their Natal Chart tend to be outgoing, active, energetic, dynamic and spirited. They are enthusiastic and creative individuals who possess leadership potential and who approach life in a positive and aggressive manner.

The Earth Triplicity

In the Natal Chart, the Earth Triplicity is comprised of three Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Earth is the most solid and stable of all the elements and yields a temperament concerned with practicality and achieving concrete results. Often there is considerable skill in using and managing material resources coupled with dependability, a realistic and pragmatic attitude and a strong sense of purpose.

The Air Triplicity

In the Natal Chart, the Air Triplicity is comprised of three Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. These are the Signs of the mental energy and thus express the power of thought and ability to communicate – the intellectual aspect of life; communication in personal and social relationships as well as mental abilities and intellectual attributes. Ideas, intellect, thinking and knowledge are the domain of the Air Element. If the Air element dominates in your Natal Chart your mental and communication abilities are your strongest assets. You will excel in the communication of ideas and prosper socially due to your skill in human relationships.

The Water Triplicity

The Water Triplicity of the Natal Chart consists of the Signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Water is the element of dreams, desires, hopes, wishes, emotions, friendship and love. It is associated with the emotional basis of personal and social relationships and with the unconscious mind. If your dominant element is “Water” it indicates that you are powerfully concerned with feeling, have a sensitive emotional awareness and dwell deeply in the realm of the emotions and the deeper psychic aspects of life.

Modes and Signs

A Starmap also reveals the “Mode” of your life – essentially the way that you go about things, the dominant manner of your behavior and type of choices you make in the world. There are three Modes within the Starmap:

The Cardinal Mode embraces the Signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These Signs tend to start, initialize and lead. When this Mode predominates in your chart it indicates that you are a self-starter - person of direct and decisive action who has a realistic grasp of circumstances and their potentials. You have a strong need for action and excel at initiating and organizing new enterprises. Your immediate concern is for the present and neither the past nor the future is of much concern to you. You are capable of acting in a very opportunistic manner when it comes to seizing opportunities that will be advantageous to you.

The Fixed Mode embraces the Signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These Signs tend to maintain, stabilize and continue. When this Mode predominates in your chart, persistence and determination motivated by the desire to achieve concrete results lies at the core of your activity and behavioral choices in the world. You are very goal oriented and are someone who sees things through to the end. You are inclined towards future goals, and are willing to put forth an unwavering effort to achieve developmental milestones. Sustained efforts over a long period of time are second nature to you – you hang on, see things through and work to preserve life.

The Mutable Mode embraces the Signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. These Signs tend to adapt, stop or end. If the Mutable Mode predominates in your chart, adaptability and the ability to utilize past experiences for present benefit are your strongest points. You have an excellent memory and a richness of character born out of broad experience as well as the ability to mold yourself to survive, adapt and prosper in any circumstances. You also have the ability to work around obstacles rather than trying to control them directly.

Ascendant Signs

This is the sign of the Zodiac that was rising on the horizon at the moment of your birth. According to Astrology, it is one of the most fundamental aspects of you as an individual - the astrological foundation upon which your individuality is built and which determines the character of the soil out of which your consciousness has grown and developed. Essentially the ascendant sign defines what people initially see when they look at you. Sometimes referred to as the Rising Sign --it is the First House of your chart and is the Sign that was rising in the east at the hour of your birth. Whether or not your ascendant reflects your true nature is determined by the rest of your chart.

In the area of the chart occupied by your Ascendant Sign you will see an “Asc”. This denotes the exact minute of your birth provided you are NOT using the whole house system.

Look up your Ascendant below to gain an insight into how its essential astrological character manifests itself when initially meeting others and or in your conscious awareness.

Ascendant of Aries

Driven by a strong will to succeed, people with Aries rising always stand out from the crowd. They are determined individuals who take a direct approach to solving problems and attain success through their ability to clearly see and act upon essential details that others cannot perceive. Arians appear to be adventurous, energetic, pioneering, courageous, enthusiastic, confident, dynamic and quick witted though on their shadow side they can be very selfish, quick tempered, impulsive, impatient and foolhardy.

Ascendant of Taurus

Natives of Taurus possess a natural charm and are often very reliable and stable people. They appear to be blessed with an abundance of common sense and seem methodical, careful and decisive in all that they do. Taurus rising’s worship material and social security and place a great deal of emphasis on acquiring material possessions and social status. They advance step by step in the pursuit of their goals, leaving no stone unturned and taking no shortcuts along the way. At their best natives of Taurus are patient, reliable, warm hearted, loving, determined and security conscious but on the shadow side of their personality they can be seen as prone to jealousy, possessiveness, inflexibility, self-indulgence and greed.

Ascendant of Gemini

Versatility is the cornerstone of the Gemini Ascendant character and there is a strong need to communicate. Gemini rising’s tend to be very logical and rational people but can be very inconsistent as their great need for variety often leads them to acquire a superficial knowledge of many subjects but with no depth in any of them. At their best natives of Gemini initially come across adaptable, communicative, witty, eloquent, youthful and lively people but on their shadow side they can seem to be nervy, tense, superficial, inconsistent, cunning and annoyingly inquisitive.

Ascendant of Cancer

Tenacity and bravery in the face of difficulties, protection of self and family and a loving, kind and caring heart are the foundations of a person born with the Ascendant Sign of Cancer. Natives of Cancer are blessed with strong and vivid imaginations and a mind that works quickly and on an instinctual level but they are prone to worry and can be very moody at times. At their best the natives of Cancer appear to be loving, intuitive, imaginative, shrewd, cautious, protective and sympathetic people but on their shadow side they can come off as changeable, moody, over emotional, touchy, clinging and unable to let go.

Ascendant of Leo

Leo’s are characterized by their warmth, generosity and desire to understand others. They have an inherently powerful creative urge and an infectious vitality and enthusiasm. Their intense need of personal fulfillment always motivates them to live life to the fullest. On the positive side of their character Leo Ascendants come across as generous, warm hearted, creative, and enthusiastic, broad minded, faithful and loving individuals but the shadow side of their personality can make them seem pompous, patronizing, dogmatic, intolerant and dictatorial.

Ascendant of Virgo

Natives of Virgo are the pragmatists of the zodiac; they are highly organized, reliable and methodical and can always be counted on for an exacting, diligent and industrious approach to all that they do. Virgo rising’s have abundant nervous energy and can be very talkative. Their critical and analytical faculties are their greatest assets but on the shadow side of their personality they can come across as over critical worry warts that are too conservative and focused on unattainable perfectionism.

Ascendant of Libra

Librans have a deep inner need for harmony and balance. They want to be free of undue pressure in their personal and professional relationships and have a deep dislike of hurting other people in any manner. It is important for them to be able to share their lives and they are often times willing to sacrifice for the sake of others. Their gravest fault is that they tend to give into pressure from others and oftentimes prefer to “sit on the fence” rather than make commitments. On the positive side Librans can come off as diplomatic, urbane, romantic, charming, easy going, sociable, idealistic and peaceable in nature. However, on the shadow side of their personalities they seem very indecisive, easily influenced and self-indulgent.

Ascendant of Scorpio

The Ascendants of Scorpio tend to look beneath the surface as they have powerful emotional natures and form deep emotional involvements in their career and personal relationships. They come off as determined, forceful, emotional, intuitive, powerful, passionate, exciting and magnetic people but also seem prone to jealousy and be resentful, compulsive, obsessive, secretive and obstinate. They are capable of deep, incisive and analytical thought but also want to get the most out of life by filling up their life with school, work and other demanding interests.

Ascendant of Sagittarius

Sagittarians are most noted for their natural enthusiasm and zest for life. They have a natural exuberance that expresses itself in a great enjoyment of life and in their sense of humor and personal charm. They are very versatile people with an eye on the future and often have great breath of vision but their biggest fault is restlessness as they are not good at coping with detail and may flit like a butterfly from one thing to another without completing anything. Their positive personality traits allow them to come across as optimistic, jovial, good humored, honest and straightforward and can be very intellectual and philosophical but on their shadow side they seem blindly optimistic, superficial, careless, irresponsible and tactless.

Ascendant of Capricorn

Capricorns can be very ambitious and aspiring. They have the energy and will to succeed and a great potential to be successful in whatever they do. They are prudent, patient and methodical and always strive to do the “right thing.” Capricorn Ascendants seem like they are disciplined individuals with a splendid sense of humor but can be hindered in the pursuit of their goals by a lack of self-confidence or self-esteem. On the positive side, Capricorn Ascendants seem to be practical, prudent, ambitious, disciplined, cautious and humorous individuals but on their shadow side they can often be pessimistic, fatalistic, miserable, rigid and rule bound.

Ascendant of Aquarius

Ascendants of Aquarius have a strong need to be independent and must develop and maintain the right lifestyle in order to be successful and happy. They come across as friendly, helpful, positive, idealistic and optimistic persons. Among their many positive traits are their characteristic friendliness, honesty, loyalty, inventiveness, originality and intellectualism. However, the shadow side of their character may reveal itself in intractable attitudes, perversity and unpredictability or a lack of emotional response to others.

Ascendant of Pisces

The Ascendants of Pisces are individuals whose kind hearts are possess a strong intuition and imagination. They are friendly, charitable, self-sacrificing and imaginative but often fail to realize their own potential due to the fact that they spend too much of their time helping others and not enough time realizing their own innate gifts. There greatest fault is that they tend to live in a dream world and they oftentimes have a difficult time facing reality making them prone to self-deception. Ascendants of Pisces come off as imaginative, sensitive, compassionate, kind, selfless, intuitive and sympathetic persons but they can also seem overly idealistic, escapist, weak willed, vague or easily led.


The placement of the Planet in your chart indicates the astrological expression via THE SIGN of the planet and its primary area of manifestation in your human experience via The HOUSE. As an example, if your Sun resides in Aries in the First House, the chart indicates that the planet will tend to express itself with the energetic and dynamic character associated with Aries while the emphasis is on experiences related to the First House of Self. As discussed in the previous message, it is up to your own judgment to determine how true this astrological information is as related to your own experience of self because the first house can be more of an indicator of how other people initially perceive you.


The position of the Sun in your Natal chart represents the area of the strongest focus and expression of that aspect of your consciousness which you experience as your consciousness of self; the “I” through which you express your free will. The Sign and House placement of your Sun is reveals the strongest and most dynamic expression of yourself and indicates those areas of your life which are most powerfully affected by the expression of your individual consciousness and free will. Within the Sign and House that carries the Sun lies your solar destiny. It is this destiny that you must discover and fulfill as it represents your true purpose for coming into being.


When your astrological Sun resides in Aries, it projects the assertive, energetic and determined nature of Aries. A strong will, personal charisma and an aggressive, self-confident approach to life are the gifts which the Sun in Aries bestows.


When your astrological Sun resides in Taurus, it projects the stable, cautious and patient nature of Taurus. A prudent and practical approach to life coupled with a solid perseverance regardless of the circumstances are the gifts which the Sun in Taurus bestows.


When your astrological Sun resides in Gemini, it projects the inquisitive, intelligent and adaptable energy of Gemini. Mental agility, excellent communication skills and an ambitious curious mind are the gifts which the Sun in Gemini bestows.


When your astrological Sun resides in Cancer, it projects the caring, nurturing and receptive nature of this Sign. Strong feelings towards home and family, a cautious and prudent approach to life, and a zest for intimate relationships are the gifts which the Sun in Cancer bestows.


When your astrological Sun resides in Leo it projects the vital, outgoing and creative nature of this sign. Inner strength and courage as well as generosity and natural leadership abilities are the gifts which the Sun in Leo bestows.


When your astrological Sun resides in Virgo it projects the sincere, practical and honest nature of this sign. Staunch independence, the ability to analyze and categorize ideas, as well as the achievement of concrete results born out of these ideas are the gifts which the Sun in Virgo bestows.


When your astrological Sun resides in Libra it projects the sympathetic, sociable and refined nature of Libra. A strong sense of justice, an libertarian approach to life and a love of beauty and peace are the gifts which the Sun in Libra bestows.


When your astrological Sun resides in Scorpio, it projects the passionate, intense and emotional nature of Scorpio. A determined and decisive approach to life and a straight forward, goal orientated personal style coupled with the ability to act in a decisive manner are the gifts which the Sun in Scorpio bestows.


When your astrological Sun resides in Sagittarius, it projects the adventurous, generous and friendly nature of this sign. A love of Nature, natural leadership potential and an enthusiastic, optimistic and self- assured approach to life are the gifts which the Sun in Sagittarius bestows.


When your astrological Sun resides in Capricorn, it projects the responsible, practical and serious nature of this sign. Innate organizational abilities, a dependable and level headed character, and a respect for hierarchy and hard work are the gifts which the Sun in Capricorn bestows.


When your astrological Sun resides in Aquarius, it projects the thoughtful, humane and inventive nature of this sign. An industrious and innovative approach to life, a futuristic vision and the talent to inspire and comfort other people are the gifts which the Sun in Aquarius bestows.


When your astrological Sun resides in Pisces, it projects the kind, compassionate and self-sacrificing nature of this Sign. A devotion to beliefs, an understanding and emphatic character and a willingness to sacrifice for the common good are the gifts which the Sun in Pisces bestows.


The Sun’s placement in the Houses indicates the strongest focus of this planet with respect to one of the twelve divisions of human experience represented by the Houses. As an example, if your Sun resides in the 10th House the primary focus of your Sun would be career concerns, reputation and accomplishments.

The Sun in the First House of the Self

This is the house of the Self. It expresses your self-awareness and general character. It is the house of personality development – the house where you become aware of and cultivate your unique consciousness as an individual.

When your Sun resides in this house, its focus is on the development and realization of the potentials inherent within your personality. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the more positive aspects of the sign the sun projects in this house within you personality.

The Sun in the Second House of Material and Moral Values

This is the house of money, finances and personal values and relates to your earning capacity and your financial gains or loses – your material development and the material foundation of your life. When your Sun resides in this house its focus is on the development of a secure material and financial foundation in life as well as a strong moral one. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the more positive aspects of the sign the sun projects in this area of life within your personality.

The Sun in the Third House of Mental Development

The Third House is the house of the communication and of mental development. It represents the superficial exploration and development of your intellectual faculties and their application to the real world. When your Sun resides in this house, its focus is on your talents, overall mental development and the enhancement of your communication skills. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the more positive aspects of the sign the sun projects in this area of life within your personality.

The Sun in the Fourth House of the Home

The Fourth House relates to the emotional environment of the home and to family and domestic concerns. It is the emotional foundation of your life. When your Sun resides in this house, its focus is on discovering and fulfilling your emotional nature. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the more positive aspects of the sign the sun projects in this area of life within your personality.

The Sun in the Fifth House of Procreation

The Fifth House encompasses pregnancy, love affairs, children and romance as well as creativity and pleasure. At its root lies the self- expressive impulse – the drive towards the individualization of your life. It is your house of active self-expression and self-development and reflects the quest for self-fulfillment. When your Sun resides in this house, its focus is on expanding and multiplying yourself through biological and creative procreation. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the more positive aspects of the sign the sun projects in this area of life within your personality.

The Sun in the Sixth House of Work and Service

The Sixth House is the house of work and of your service to others. Its affairs encompass your employment, daily routines and working relationships. When your Sun resides in this house, its focus is on the adverse relationships and duties encountered in your working life as well as on those areas where you render compassionate service to others. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the more positive aspects of the sign the sun projects in this area of life within your personality.

The Sun in the Seventh House of Relationships

The Seventh House encompasses the sphere of marriage and other contractual relationships in your life. When your Sun resides in this house, its focus is on the bonded relationships in your personal, business and social life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the more positive aspects of the sign the sun projects in this area of life within your personality.

The Sun in the Eighth House of Transformation

The Eighth House centers on the psychic, spontaneous and passionate side of your life; sex, the beginning of death, power and secretes. It is where the right brained person will encounter their left brained side and the left brained person will encounter their right brained side. When your Sun resides in this house, its focus is on the exploration of the undiscovered or unrealized dimensions of your life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the more positive aspects of the sign the sun projects in this area of life within your personality.

The Sun in the Ninth House of Spirituality

The Ninth House is the house of spiritual development and higher education. It represents your spiritual evolution and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness through both mental and physical exploration. When your Sun resides in this house, its focus is on the expansion of your spiritual awareness. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the more positive aspects of the sign the sun projects in this area of life within your personality.

The Sun in the Tenth House of Career

The Tenth House centers on your career, means of livelihood, professional success and achievements. When your Sun resides in this house, its focus is on success in your career and the advancement of your professional status in the community. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the more positive aspects of the sign the sun projects in this area of life within your personality.

The Sun in the Eleventh House of Friends

The Eleventh House is the house of social relationships and friendships and of your hopes and dreams for the future. When your Sun resides in this house, its focus will be on reaping the benefits of your status in society, experiencing the pleasure of your relationships with your friends, and harvesting the fruits of your realized hopes and dreams. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the more positive aspects of the sign the sun projects in this area of life within your personality.

The Sun in the Twelfth House of Self Knowledge

The Twelfth House is your house of self-knowledge gained through the awareness of your inner world. When your Sun resides in this house, its focus is on gaining knowledge of self through valuing your psychic intuition, creative imagination and the integrating those dreams into your conscious life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the more positive aspects of the sign the sun projects in this house.

THE POSITION OF THE MOON The position of the Moon in your Starmap represents a strong focus and expression of that aspect of your awareness that is experienced (via the House it falls in) as your emotional nature. In your Moon Sign you discover the character and manner of the expression of your emotional nature. It reveals the character of your emotional response to life and how you react instinctually and emotionally to external influences; including the actions of others.


When your natal Moon resides in Aries it brings a warm hearted but restless and impulsive emotional nature. There is a strong tendency to act through emotion rather than reason especially when passions are smoldering beneath the surface. This position gives a fiery heart that is given to direct and honest expression but acts too much in haste for its own good.


When your natal Moon resides in Taurus it brings an earthy and practical emotional response to life. This Moon is a sensual Moon and gives the individual strong sense impressions and the love of sex, good food, comfort and material possessions. There is a strong need for emotional and financial security and worldly success is attained by a conservative and conventional approach to business, employment and career. With this lunar position you must guard against laziness, greed, overeating and excessive attachment to material comforts.


When your natal Moon resides in Gemini your emotional nature tends to be overshadowed by excessive rationalism causing an inconsistent emotional response to life. You emotional nature often tends to see-saw and you sometimes are so uncertain about your own feelings that you distrust your own emotional responses. With this lunar natal position you must beware of falling into confused emotional states or projecting emotional indifference in your relationships.


When your natal Moon resides in Cancer you have a sensitive nature given to deep emotional responses. This position often brings a delicate psychic sensitivity which enables you to perceive and understand the unvoiced needs of others. The need to nurture others is your inner prime directive and your greatest happiness and sense of well-being will occur in a marriage and family environment. With this lunar position you need to guard against over possessiveness, timidity and diffidence.


When your natal Moon resides in Leo your emotional nature is warm, loving, optimistic and positive in its expression. Passionate emotional forces dwell within you that demand gratification through physical experiences such as sex, aggressive sports, politics or competitive social and business situations. You are perceived as being an emotionally genuine person but with this natal position you must guard against self-centeredness, pride, selfishness and the need to emotionally dominate others.


When your natal Moon resides in Virgo you are of a quiet emotional nature and tend to be guarded in the expression of your feelings. You have difficulty in expressing your emotions openly and are often perceived as being rather cool and aloof. You are respected as being both honest and amicable and having a high regard for truth but with this natal position you must guard against being self-indulgent, overly cautious or too self-critical.


When your natal Moon resides in Libra you are of a charming, gentile, peace loving and kind emotional nature. You are a sociable and diplomatic spirit who may be thrust into the role of a peacemaker due to your natural understanding of, and sympathy towards, other’s points of view. You are perceived as being an innately fair and trustworthy person but with this natal position you need to guard against being too indecisive, lazy or self-indulgent.


When your natal Moon resides in Scorpio you are of a secretive lunar nature and are given to an intense emotionality where brooding passions often lie beneath a self-confident and rigidly controlled exterior. You possess great willpower and good judgment and are guided by strong beliefs but are generally led by your emotions. You are perceived by others as being an energetic, hard-working and courageous individual but with this natal position you need to guard against jealousy, vindictiveness and a tendency to seek revenge.


When your natal Moon resides in Sagittarius you are of an open, generous and spontaneous emotional nature. A good natured, kind, honest and gentile lunar nature dwells within you that is nurtured by a lofty idealism and a deep desire to learn. You are perceived by others as being a somewhat secretive but sincere individual with a zest for life and a firm belief in the principals of justice and fair play, but with this natal position you need to guard against over confidence, self- indulgence and taking too many unnecessary risks.


When your natal Moon resides in Capricorn you are of a cool, calm, strong and steadfast emotional nature. You often tend to deny your own emotional needs in favor of hard work, dedication and the accomplishment of your own personal goals. A deeply private person, yours is a complicated emotional nature shielded from others by your reluctance to share your feelings. Others perceive you as a serious, responsible and tenacious person but with this natal position you need to guard against selfishness, insensitivity or harboring anger and resentment towards others.


When your natal Moon resides in Aquarius, you are of an open, even tempered and sociable emotional nature. While you sometimes have problems expressing your own emotions, you are sympathetic towards others feelings and friendly towards all. Others perceive you as a humanitarian who aspires to the highest ideals of honesty and integrity - someone who willingly takes the side of the downtrodden and oppressed but with this natal position you need to guard against a fear of emotional involvement, self-pity or a haughty sense of intellectual detachment.


When your natal Moon resides in Pisces you are of a compassionate, understanding and gentile emotional nature. Your exquisite emotionality makes you feel all things deeply and brings out a strong psychic awareness which tends to express itself in music, art or other spiritual pursuits. Others perceive you as a tenderhearted person of poetic soul who is both humorous and sociable in nature but with this natal position you need to guard against escapist tendencies, self-deception or domination by the Unconscious Mind.


The House in which the Moon resides reveals the astrological focus of your emotional self. Your emotions will be most powerfully expressed in the specific area of experience represented by the House.

The Moon in the First House of the Self

This is the house of the Self. It expresses your self-awareness and general character. It is the house of personality development where you become aware of and cultivate your unique consciousness as an individual. When your Moon resides in this house, your emotional nature is focused is on the development and realization of the potentials inherent within your personality. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign the moon projects in this house.

The Moon in the Second House of Material and Moral Foundation

This is the house of money, finances and material possessions and relates to your earning capacity and your financial gains or loses – your material development and the material foundation of your life. When your Moon resides in this house, your emotional nature is focused is on the development of a secure material and financial foundation in life as well as a strong moral one. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign the moon projects in this house.

The Moon in the Third House of Mental Development

The Third House is the house of the mind and of mental development through the use of will; it represents the exploration and development of your intellectual faculties and their application to the real world. When 51 your Moon resides in this house, your emotional nature is focused is on your overall mental development and the expansion of your communication skills. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign the moon projects in this house.

The Moon in the Fourth House of the Home

The Fourth House relates to the emotional environment of the home and to the family and domestic concerns. It is the emotional foundation of your life. When your Moon resides in this house, your emotional nature is focused on family and domestic concerns. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign the moon projects in this house.

The Moon in the Fifth House of Procreation

The Fifth House encompasses pregnancy, love affairs, children and romance as well as creativity and pleasure. At its root lies the self- expressive impulse – the drive towards the individualization of your life. It is your house of active self-expression and self-development and reflects the quest for self-fulfillment. When your Moon resides in this house, the focus of your emotional nature is on expanding and multiplying oneself through biological and creative procreation. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign the moon projects in this house.

The Moon in the Sixth House of Work and Service

The Sixth House is the house of work and of your service to others. Its affairs embrace your employment, daily routines and working relationships. When your Moon resides in this house, the focus of your emotional nature is on the relationships and duties encountered in your working life as well as on those areas where you render compassionate service to others. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign the moon projects in this house.

The Moon in the Seventh House of Relationships

The Seventh House encompasses the sphere of marriage and close personal relationships in life. This is the house of marriage and of the close personal relationships that you form with other people in the business world and in your social sphere. When your Moon resides in this house, the focus of your emotional nature is on the intimate relationships in your life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign the moon projects in this house.

The Moon in the Eighth House of Transformation

The Eighth House centers on the psychic and emotional sides of your life; sex, the beginning of death, passions, power and the undiscovered sides of your life. It is where the right brained person will encounter their left brained side and the left brained person will encounter their right brained side. When your Moon resides in this house, the focus of your emotional nature is on psychic development. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign the moon projects in this house.

The Moon in the Ninth House of Spirituality

The Ninth House is the house of spiritual development and of higher education and learning. It represents your spiritual evolution, experience of the Divine and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness. When your Moon resides in this house, its focus is on the expansion of your spiritual awareness. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign the moon projects in this house.

The Moon in the Tenth House of Career

The Tenth House centers on your career, means of livelihood, professional success and achievements, and your professional status in the community. When your Moon resides in this house, the focus of your emotional nature is on advancement and success in your career. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign the moon projects in this house.

The Moon in the Eleventh House of Friends

The Eleventh House is the house of social relationships and friendships and of your hopes and dreams for the future. When your Moon resides in this house, the focus of your emotional nature will be on reaping the benefits of your status in society, experiencing the pleasure of your relationships with your friends, and harvesting the fruits of your realized hopes and dreams. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign the moon projects in this house.

The Moon in the Twelfth House of Self Knowledge

The Twelfth House is your house of self-knowledge gained through the awareness of your inner world. When your Moon resides in this house, the focus of your emotional nature is on gaining self-knowledge through valuing your psychic intuition and creative imagination and the integration of dreams into your conscious life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign the moon projects in this house.

THE POSITION OF MERCURY The position of Mercury in your chart represents the area of the strongest focus and expression of that aspect of consciousness which you experience as the mind: your reason and intellect. In your Mercury Sign you discover the character and manner of expression of your logical and moral consciousness. In the house where Mercury resides is shown where you best communicate and where your highest mental abilities find their best and most complete expression.


When your natal Mercury resides in Aries your mind exhibits an innovative quality that makes you a fountain of fresh and creative ideas. Original thinking is your specialty and you take a direct approach to problem solving. You love a mental challenge and tackle the most difficult situations in a direct and decisive manner. Other people view you as a perceptive, reasonable and versatile individual but with this natal position you need to guard against intellectual egotism, a need for instant gratification or making hasty or impulsive decisions.


When your natal Mercury resides in Taurus you are of a practical, stable and conservative mental character. Your mind exhibits much practical common sense, a thoroughness in all that you do and a powerful drive to see your ideas live as enduring and tangible results. Others perceive you as a person of strong mental focus and discipline with a shrewd financial sense but with this natal position you must guard against mental rigidity, over caution and excess conservatism.


When your natal Mercury resides in Gemini you possess an active, versatile and lively mind. You communicate well and are a persuasive speaker. An intense curiosity fuels your mental life as well as a deep hunger for a diverse knowledge on many subjects. Others perceive you as a quick witted, adaptable and inventive thinker but with this natal position you need to guard against fickleness, irritability and making snap judgments.


When your natal Mercury resides in Cancer you are an emotional, intuitive and sensitive thinker. Your mind interweaves emotions with thoughts and you take a very subjective and personal approach to life and its challenges. Others perceive you as a thoughtful and imaginative individual who strives for emotional balance but with this Natal position you need to guard against antagonizing others, being too susceptible to external influences and allowing your emotions to override your reason.


When your natal Mercury resides in Leo you possess a focused, determined and creative mental nature. You are inclined to be quick witted, persuasive and tend to speak with authority. Others perceive you as a charismatic, organized and good willed individual but with this natal position you must be on guard against false pride, intellectual arrogance or being overly stubborn and opinionated.


When your natal Mercury resides in Virgo you possess a practical, productive and orderly mental nature. You are a resourceful individual who focuses on essentials and takes a common sense approach to life. Others perceive you as a modest person and a valued worker who is the very model of integrity but with this natal position you must be on guard against intolerance, impatience or being overly critical of others.


When your Natal Mercury resides in Libra you mind is of a well balanced, diplomatic and understanding character. You possess fine powers of judgment and see issues from all sides and are often called upon to play the role of peacemaker in settlement of disputes. Others experience you as a kind, fair and unassuming individual but with this natal position you need to guard against mental laziness, indecisiveness and the formation of superficial opinions.


When your natal Mercury resides in Scorpio you possess an intuitive, penetrating and determined mental nature. You seize upon any mental challenge that comes your way, probing to the very heart of the matter with your tenacious intellect. Others perceive you as an innately curious individual with a positive demeanor and a great intellectual and imaginative potential, but with this natal position you need to guard against being suspicious and distrustful of other peoples motives or a reliance on dishonest methods to attain your ends.


When your natal Mercury resides in Sagittarius you mind is of a versatile, independent and direct character. You worship freedom of thought, have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and require constant mental stimulation. Others perceive you as an open minded and charismatic individual with a restless intelligence but with this natal position you need to beware of impatience, a tendency towards excessive sarcasm or being a braggart.


When your natal Mercury resides in Capricorn you possess a mind that is of an unemotional, responsible and disciplined character. You are thorough in all that you do, seek only tangible and real world results from your ideas, and waste no thought in useless flights of fancy. Others perceive you as a conservative and productive individual with a particularly “down to earth” viewpoint but with this natal position you need to guard against mental rigidity, narrow mindedness and a pessimistic attitude.


When your natal Mercury resides in Aquarius you possess a quick and receptive but dispassionate mental character. Your powers of observation are particularly strong and you like be identified with progressive, even controversial ideas. Others perceive you as having a gift for seeing the “big picture” and exhibiting a strong humanitarian viewpoint in all your ideas, but with this natal position you need to be on guard against developing an intellectual superiority complex, trying to force your ideas on other people or becoming imprisoned in an impersonal point of view.


When your natal Mercury resides in Pisces, your mind is of a dreamy, receptive and sensitive mental character. You are an imaginative person and have a sympathetic understanding of other people. Others perceive you as an individual in possession of a fantastic, even visionary imagination and of a refined, even poetic character, but with this natal position you need to guard against becoming too disorganized, being too naive in your dealings with others or allowing yourself to be victimized by your own emotional vulnerability.


The placement of Mercury in the House reveals the astrological indication of what area of life will receive the greatest focus of the powers of your reason and intellect.

Mercury in the First House of the Self

This is the house of the Self. It expresses your self-consciousness and general character. It is the house of personality development – the house where you become aware of and cultivate your unique consciousness as an individual. When your Mercury resides in this house, its focus is on the development and realization of the potentials inherent within your personality. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign mercury projects in this house.

Mercury in the Second House of Material and Moral Foundation

This is the house of money, finances and material possessions and relates to your earning capacity and your financial gains or loses – your material development and the material foundation of your life. When your Mercury resides in this house, its focus is on the development of a secure material and financial foundation in life as well as a sound moral one. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign mercury projects in this house.

Mercury in the Third House of Mental Development

The Third House is the house of the mind and of mental development through the use of will; it represents the exploration and development of your intellectual faculties and their application to the real world. When your Mercury resides in this house, its focus is on your overall mental development and the enhancement of your communication skills. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign mercury projects in this house.

Mercury in the Fourth House of the Home

The Fourth House relates to the emotional environment of the home and to family and domestic concerns. It is the emotional foundation of your life. When your Mercury resides in this house, its focus is on discovering and fulfilling your emotional nature. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign mercury projects in this house.

Mercury in the Fifth House of Procreation

The Fifth House encompasses pregnancy, love affairs, children and romance as well as creativity and pleasure. At its root lies the self- expressive impulse – the drive towards the individualization of your life. It is your house of active self-expression and self-development and reflects the quest for self-fulfillment. When your Mercury resides in this house, its focus is on expanding and multiplying yourself through biological and creative procreation. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign mercury projects in this house.

Mercury in the Sixth House of Work and Service

The Sixth House is the house of work and of your service to others. Its affairs embrace your employment, daily routines and working relationships. When your Mercury resides in this house, its focus is on the relationships and duties encountered in your working life as well as on those areas where you render compassionate service to others. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign mercury projects in this house.

Mercury in the Seventh House of Relationships

The Seventh House encompasses the sphere of marriage and of the close personal relationships in your life. When your Mercury resides in this house, its focus is on the close personal relationships in your personal, business and social life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign mercury projects in this house.

Mercury in the Eighth House of Transformation

The Eighth House centers on the psychic and emotional sides of your life; sex, the beginning of death, passions, power and the undiscovered sides of your life. It is where the right brained person will encounter their left brained side and the left brained person will encounter their right brained side. When your Mercury resides in this house, its focus is on the exploration of the undiscovered or unrealized dimensions of your life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign mercury projects in this house.

Mercury in the Ninth House of Spirituality

The Ninth House is the house of spiritual development and of higher education and learning. It represents your spiritual evolution, experience of the Divine and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness. When your Mercury resides in this house, its focus is on the expansion of your spiritual awareness. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign mercury projects in this house.

Mercury in the Tenth House of Career

The Tenth House centers on your career, means of livelihood, professional success and achievements. When your Mercury resides in this house, its focus is on success in your career and the advancement of your professional status in the community. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign mercury projects in this house.

Mercury in the Eleventh House of Friends

The Eleventh House is the house of social relationships and friendships and of your hopes and dreams for the future. When your Mercury resides in this house, its focus will be on reaping the benefits of your status in society, experiencing the pleasure of your relationships with your friends, and harvesting the fruits of your realized hopes and dreams. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign mercury projects in this house.

Mercury in the Twelfth House of Self Knowledge

The Twelfth House is your house of self-knowledge gained through the awareness of your inner world. When your Mercury resides in this house, its focus is on gaining self-knowledge through valuing your psychic intuition and creative imagination and on the integration of dreams into your conscious life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign mercury projects in this house.

THE POSITION OF VENUS The position of Venus in your chart represents the area of the strongest focus and expression of that aspect of consciousness which you experience as your desire nature: the desire for romantic love, beauty, pleasure, relationship, children; money and material possessions. Your Venus Sign reveals how you express your desires in your personal and social life as well as how you express them in your social and romantic relationships. It reveals your attitudes towards money and material luxury as well as how you experience and express your aesthetic sense. The areas of life represented by the House in which Venus resides illustrate where your attractive powers most strongly assert themselves and where your desires most powerfully seek to fulfill themselves.


When your natal Venus resides in Aries your desire nature tends towards aggressive self-expression. You are outgoing and assertive and pursue what you desire in a direct and aggressive manner seldom relenting in your quest until you have achieved the object of your desire. Others perceive you as a vital and passionate individual intent on realizing your desires but with this natal position you must guard against impatience, narcissism or moral decline due to unchecked self-indulgence.


When your natal Venus resides in Taurus your desire nature is strong, sensual and inclined to focus on the material pleasures. Your desires are of a strong and constant nature and you pursue them until you attain complete satisfaction. Others perceive you as a loyal and faithful individual with a strong sense of commitment and purpose, but with this natal position you must guard against jealousy, possessiveness and excessive indulgence in the pleasures of the senses.


When your natal Mercury resides in Gemini your desire nature is of a cool, calculating and intellectual quality. You tend to think your feelings and strive to realize your desires through careful planning rather than spontaneous emotional responses. Others perceive you as a witty, talkative and curious individual but with this natal placement you need to guard against boredom, fickleness and a restless need for variety.


When your natal Venus resides in Cancer your desire nature is of a tender, caring and nurturing quality. You are a deeply sensitive individual who seeks security and stability in relationships. Others perceive you as a kind hearted and sympathetic individual but with this natal position you need to guard against excessive caution, moodiness and unrealistic expectations that may lead to severe disappointments.


When your natal Venus resides in Leo your desire nature is of sincere, ardent and magnetic quality. You are a loyal and trustworthy individual who lives with high expectations and possesses an abundance of personal and social pride. Others experience you as an optimistic, glamorous and exciting person but with this natal position you need to guard against jealousy, snobbishness and sexual obsessions.


When your natal Venus resides in Virgo your desire nature is of a discriminating, controlled and cautious character. You tend to over analyze emotions and are very careful about your emotional involvements. Others experience you as a warm hearted, polite and unassuming individual but with this natal position you need to guard against fault finding, a sense of social inferiority and an over attraction to material comforts.


When your natal Venus resides in Libra your desire nature is of an expressive, balanced and harmonious character. You are quite sociable in nature and have keen intuition and perception into others. Others experience you as a charming, refined and sociable individual but with this natal position you need to guard against harboring resentments, avoidance of healthy conflict and falling in love with the wrong persons.


When your natal Venus resides in Scorpio your desire nature is of an intense, passionate and sensual character. You are a very straightforward, direct and determined individual with a deep commitment to attaining your goals despite any difficulties or obstacles that might stand in your way. Others experience you as a magnetic, deeply loyal and self-confident individual but with this natal position you need to guard against jealousy, possessiveness and an inclination towards cruelty.


When your natal Venus resides in Sagittarius your desire nature is of a generous, thoughtful and friendly character. You are a cheerful, happy, affectionate and emotionally demonstrative person who takes a thoughtful approach to life and is endowed with a great sense of humor. Others experience you as an honest, idealistic and imaginative person but with this natal position you must guard against being overly naive, too outspoken or attempting to force your views and beliefs on others.


When your natal Venus resides in Capricorn your desire nature is of a mature, cautious and traditional character. You are a serious and careful individual who is logical, steadfast and dependable. Others experience you as a conservative and friendly individual but with this natal position you need to guard against a lack of emotional warmth or a cold, calculating and cynical attitude towards other people.


When your natal Venus resides in Aquarius your desire nature is of a calm, detached and aloof character. You are a popular and well liked individual who is open minded and makes friends easily. Others experience you as a charming, unique and future minded spirit but with this Natal position you must guard against eccentric behavior or being too impersonal in your relationships with other individuals.


When your natal Venus resides in Pisces your desire nature is of a kind, sympathetic and tender character. You are a charitable, devoted and empathetic individual who thinks with your heart and strives to live and feel universal love and compassion for all. Others experience you as a sensitive, compassionate and self-sacrificing individual but with this natal position you must guard against becoming impaired by your extreme emotional sensitivity or drifting off into flights of fancy and losing touch with the real world.


The House where Venus resides in your chart is the astrological indication of the area of your life where your desire nature is most powerfully focused. It is the area of life where you will express the attractive powers of Venus and seek the fulfillment of your desires.

Venus in the First House of the Self

This is the house of the Self. It expresses your self-consciousness and general character. It is the house of personality development – the house where you become aware of and cultivate your unique consciousness as an individual. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on the development and realization of the potentials inherent within your personality. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Venus projects in this house.

Venus in the Second House of Material and Moral Foundation

This is the house of money, finances and material possessions and relates to your earning capacity and your financial gains or loses – your material development and the material foundation of your life. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on the development of a secure material and financial foundation in life as well as a strong moral one. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Venus projects in this house.

Venus in the Third House of Mental Development

The Third House is the house of the mind and of mental development through the use of will; it represents the exploration and development of your intellectual faculties and their application to the real world. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on your overall mental development and the enhancement of your communication skills. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Venus projects in this house.

Venus in the Fourth House of the Home

The Fourth House relates to the emotional environment of the home and to family and domestic concerns. It is the emotional foundation of your life. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on discovering and fulfilling your emotional nature. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Venus projects in this house.

Venus in the Fifth House of Procreation

The Fifth House encompasses pregnancy, love affairs, children and romance as well as creativity and pleasure. At its root lies the self- expressive impulse – the drive towards the individualization of your life. It is your house of active self-expression and self-development and reflects the quest for self-fulfillment. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on expanding and multiplying yourself through biological and creative procreation. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Venus projects in this house.

Venus in the Sixth House of Work and Service

The Sixth House is the house of work and of your service to others. Its affairs embrace your employment, daily routines and working relationships. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on the relationships and duties encountered in your working life as well as on those areas where you render compassionate service to others. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Venus projects in this house.

Venus in the Seventh House of Relationships

The Seventh House encompasses the sphere of marriage and of the close personal relationships in your life. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on the close personal relationships in your personal, business and social life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Venus projects in this house.

Venus in the Eighth House of Transformation

The Eighth House centers on the psychic and emotional sides of your life; sex, the beginning of death, passions, power and the undiscovered sides of your life. It is where the right brained person will encounter their left brained side and the left brained person will encounter their right brained side. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on the exploration of the undiscovered or unrealized dimensions of your life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Venus projects in this house.

Venus in the Ninth House of Spirituality

The Ninth House is the house of spiritual development and of higher education and learning. It represents your spiritual evolution, experience of the Divine and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on the expansion of your spiritual awareness. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Venus projects in this house.

Venus in the Tenth House of Career

The Tenth House centers on your career, means of livelihood, professional success and achievements. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on success in your career and the advancement of your professional status in the community. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Venus projects in this house.

Venus in the Eleventh House of Friends

The Eleventh House is the house of social relationships and friendships and of your hopes and dreams for the future. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus will be on reaping the benefits of your status in society, experiencing the pleasure of your relationships with your friends, and harvesting the fruits of your realized hopes and dreams. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Venus projects in this house.

Venus in the Twelfth House of Self Knowledge

The Twelfth House is your house of self-knowledge gained through the awareness of your inner world. When your Venus resides in this house, its focus is on gaining self-knowledge through valuing your psychic intuition and creative imagination and on the integration of dreams into your conscious life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Venus projects in this house.

THE POSITION OF MARS The position of Mars in your chart represents the area of the strongest focus and expression of that aspect of your consciousness which you experience as your aggressive natural energy: your initiative, ambition and drive to work and accomplish. It expresses the energy of your natural life – your initiative, aggressiveness and ambition. The areas of life represented by the House in which Mars resides illustrate where you most powerfully express your ambition motivated actions and where you are called upon to exert your energy and initiative to achieve your goals.


When your natal Mars resides in Aries your aggressive natural energy is of a forceful and direct character. You are an energetic and independent person who demonstrates natural leadership abilities and who is known for pioneering new ideas. Others experience you as a highly competitive, bold and passionate individual but with this natal position you need to guard against unbounded egotism, overly aggressive behavior and intolerance for other points of view.


When your natal Mars is placed in Taurus your aggressive natural energy is of a determined, practical and enduring character. You are a reliable, goal orientated and productive person who is motivated by a need for material well-being and security. Others experience you as an honest person of great integrity but with this natal position you need to guard against laziness, sexual jealousy and an excess love of material comfort.


When your natal Mars resides in Gemini your aggressive natural energy expresses itself with an energetic, restless and active character. You have a sharp and eager mind and are a witty and versatile person as well as being multi-talented. Others experience you as an adaptable, intelligent and socially sophisticated person but with this natal position you need to guard against restlessness, impatience and a tendency towards sarcasm.


When your natal Mars resides in Cancer, your aggressive natural energy tends to most powerfully expresses itself in strong and deep seated feelings and emotions. You tend to be a person whose principal aim in life is to attain family closeness and inner satisfaction but you constantly struggle with anger and powerful inner desires. Others experience you as a very sensual person who is protective towards those whom you love and can be counted on to be dependable in the long term, but with this Natal position you need to guard against moodiness, irritability and a tendency to lose your emotional control.


When your natal Mars resides in Leo your vital natural energy is of a determined, creative and dynamic character. You are an energetic, highly competitive and bold individual who exhibits strong will power, courage and stamina and whose ambitions are fueled by a strong sense of self confidence. Others experience you as a self-sufficient, courageous and enthusiastic individual but with this Natal position you need to guard against pride, arrogance and unchecked ambition.


When your natal Mars resides in Virgo your vital natural energy is of a disciplined, adaptable and practical character. You tend to be a productive, goal orientated and logical person who has a good head for detail and can be very shrewd and calculating when necessary. Others experience you as an ingenious and productive worker but with this natal position you need to guard against being overly self-critical, indiscreet or becoming obsessed with insignificant matters.


When your natal Mars resides in Libra your aggressive natural energy tends to express itself in a cooperative and generous manner. You favor a balanced approach to living and moderation in all things. Others experience you as an amicable and cooperative person who strives to be impartial in your actions and opinions - someone who strives for justice at all times - but with this Natal position you need to guard against laziness, procrastination and a lack of self-reliance.


When your natal Mars resides in Scorpio your aggressive natural energy expresses itself with an intense, passionate and sensual character. You are a strong willed, forceful and determined individual who values efficiency, courage and self-discipline. Others perceive you as a resourceful and self-disciplined individual but with this natal position you need to guard against emotional possessiveness, intense jealousy and sexual excess.


When your natal Jupiter resides in Sagittarius your aggressive natural energy expresses itself in a passionate love of learning and a burning inner need to elevate your level of consciousness. You are an optimistic, independent and friendly person whose enthusiasm and self-confidence serves as an inspiration to all who cross your path. Others experience you as a free spirited person with few personal inhibitions but with this natal position you need to guard against restlessness, over optimism or a lack of consistency in pursuing your goals.


When your natal Mars resides in Capricorn your aggressive natural energy manifests itself as ambition, dedication and tenacity in pursuing your goals. You are a practical, efficient and responsible person who is willing to work hard to achieve your aims. Others experience you as a strongly disciplined, focused and “take charge” individual but with this natal position you need to guard against obsessive materialism, selfishness or a ruthless “end justifies the means” attitude.


When your natal Mars resides in Aquarius your aggressive natural energy expresses itself most powerfully in social activity or within organizations that have a humanitarian or philanthropic purpose in society. You are a cooperative person who works well with others – an individual of active intellect who devotes your energy to the pursuit of a meaningful life. Others experience you as a team player with a good sense of direction and great organizing abilities but with this Natal position you need to guard against being too argumentative, impatient or overly aggressive in your social relationships.


When your natal Mars resides in Pisces your aggressive natural energy seeks to express itself through modes of artistic expression, especially those of music and poetry. You are a sensitive individual with a strong creative imagination and a high emotional energy that finds expression in a strong mystical or religious impulse. Others experience you as a person of high ideals who is most happy being a “behind the scenes” player but with this natal position you need to guard against becoming too weak willed, succumbing to a sense of inner restlessness or being overcome by your emotions.


The House where Mars resides in the chart is the astrological indication of the area of your life where your physical energy, initiative, aggressiveness and ambition are most powerfully focused and expressed.

Mars in the First House of the Self

This is the house of the Self. It expresses your self-consciousness and general character. It is the house of personality development – the house where you become aware of and cultivate your unique consciousness as an individual. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on the development and realization of the potentials inherent within your personality. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Mars projects in this house.

Mars in the Second House of Material Foundation

This is the house of money, finances and material possessions and relates to your earning capacity and your financial gains or loses – your material development and the material foundation of your life. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on the development of a secure material and financial foundation in life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Mars projects in this house.

Mars in the Third House of Mental Development

The Third House is the house of the mind and of mental development through the use of will; it represents the exploration and development of your intellectual faculties and their application to the real world. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on your overall mental development and the enhancement of your communication skills. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Mars projects in this house.

Mars in the Fourth House of the Home

The Fourth House relates to the emotional environment of the home and to family and domestic concerns. It is the emotional foundation of your life. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on discovering and fulfilling your emotional nature. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Mars projects in this house.

Mars in the Fifth House of Procreation

The Fifth House encompasses pregnancy, love affairs, children and romance as well as creativity and pleasure. At its root lies the self- expressive impulse – the drive towards the individualization of your life. It is your house of active self-expression and self-development and reflects the quest for self-fulfillment. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on expanding and multiplying yourself through biological and creative procreation. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Mars projects in this house.

Mars in the Sixth House of Work and Service

The Sixth House is the house of work and of your service to others. Its affairs embrace your employment, daily routines and working relationships. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on the relationships and duties encountered in your working life as well as on those areas where you render compassionate service to others. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Mars projects in this house.

Mars in the Seventh House of Relationships

The Seventh House encompasses the sphere of marriage and of the close personal relationships in your life. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on the close personal relationships in your personal, business and social life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Mars projects in this house.

Mars in the Eighth House of Transformation

The Eighth House centers on the psychic and emotional sides of your life; sex, the beginning of death, passions, power and the undiscovered sides of your life. It is where the right brained person will encounter their left brained side and the left brained person will encounter their right brained side. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on the exploration of the undiscovered or unrealized dimensions of your life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Mars projects in this house.

Mars in the Ninth House of Spirituality

The Ninth House is the house of spiritual development and of higher education and learning. It represents your spiritual evolution, experience of the Divine and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on the expansion of your spiritual awareness. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Mars projects in this house.

Mars in the Tenth House of Career

The Tenth House centers on your career, means of livelihood, professional success and achievements. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on success in your career and the advancement of your professional status in the community. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Mars projects in this house.

Mars in the Eleventh House of Friends

The Eleventh House is the house of social relationships and friendships and of your hopes and dreams for the future. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus will be on reaping the benefits of your status in society, experiencing the pleasure of your relationships with your friends, and harvesting the fruits of your realized hopes and dreams. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Mars projects in this house.

Mars in the Twelfth House of Self Knowledge

The Twelfth House is your house of self-knowledge gained through the awareness of your inner world. When your Mars resides in this house, its focus is on gaining self-knowledge through valuing your psychic intuition and creative imagination and on the integration of dreams into your conscious life.

THE POSITION OF JUPITER The position of Jupiter in your chart represents strongest focus and expression of your spiritual growth energy – your inner energy of growth and expansion. It reveals how you live out your religious, philosophical and ethical beliefs as well as how you form a relationship with society as a whole. The aspects of your daily life represented by the House in which Jupiter resides portray the types of activity in which you express your religious and philosophical ideas and find your sense of social cooperation. It is where you are likely to experience the greatest expansion and improvement in your life.


When your natal Jupiter resides in Aries your spiritual growth energy most strongly influences those areas of your life which center on personal philosophy, education and spiritual concerns. You are a progressive, generous, warm and confident person who possesses much self-esteem and whose courage serves as an inspiration to others. Other people experience you as an ambitious, high minded and energetic person but with this natal position you need to guard against over confidence, an exaggerated sense of self-importance and carelessness where money and business matters are concerned.


When you natal Jupiter resides in Taurus your spiritual growth energy is orientated towards security, comfort and wellbeing in life. You are an enterprising, easy going and kind person who has an innate ability to manage material resources in an organized and efficient manner. Others experience you as a patient, generous and discriminating individual but with this natal position you need to guard against waste, financial carelessness and excessive self-indulgence.


When your Natal Jupiter resides in Gemini your spiritual growth energy is focused on your mental development and expression, intellectual growth and communication. You are an intellectually curious individual with a restless spirit who is mentally adventurous and who strives to attain a higher intellectual status in your life and career. Others experience you as a friendly, sociable and sincere individual but with this natal position you need to guard against becoming narrow minded and self-centered.


When your natal Jupiter resides in Cancer your spiritual growth energy most strongly influences those areas of your life which center on supporting and nourishing those whom you care for and maintaining a successful home environment. You are a kind, benevolent and imaginative person who builds trust and loyalty among the people with whom you associate. Others experience you as a sympathetic and nurturing individual but with this natal position you need to guard against excessive moodiness or clinging to old and outmoded values and ideas.


When your natal Jupiter resides in Leo your spiritual growth energy expresses its greatest influence in those areas of your life which bring you personal recognition in the exercise of a leadership capacity in your personal, social and business life. You are a generous, compassionate and dignified individual who radiates optimism and self-confidence. Others experience you as an honest and trustworthy individual with a strong moral center but with this natal position you need to guard against egotism, waste, extravagance or becoming too self-centered.


When your natal Jupiter resides in Virgo your spiritual growth energy expresses itself through honest, hard work in your vocational or pursuits or in activities related to serving and caring for others. You are a prudent, cautious and practical individual who is very detail orientated but generally avoids taking risks. Others experience you as a person of modest nature who tends to think things through before acting but with this natal position you need to guard against pettiness, irritability and the worship of scientific materialism.


When your natal Jupiter resides in Libra your spiritual growth energy is focused on close personal relationships and humanitarian pursuits. You are a just, socially refined and generous individual who has a strong sense of justice and holds idealistic views. Others experience you as a kind, diplomatic and cultured person but with this natal position you need to guard against greed, egotism and snobbishness.


When your natal Jupiter lies in Scorpio your spiritual growth energy expresses itself in religious and philosophical matters related to the psychic dimension of life. You are a shrewd person with a critical sense of judgment which expresses itself in philosophical and religious matters especially those centered on the psychic dimension of life. Others experience you as an intense and self-confident individual who is able to draw upon large reserves of inner strength but with this natal position you need to guard against taking rash actions or being overly secretive or devious in your business and personal affairs.


When your natal Jupiter resides in Sagittarius, your spiritual growth energy most influences those areas of your life related to intellectual and cultural growth, aesthetic awareness and the realization of artistic talents. You tend to be a liberal, tolerant and compassionate person who is open minded and good at motivating others. Others experience you as a humorous and generous person who is given to visionary thinking but with this natal position you need to guard against self-righteousness, narrow mindedness or a fanatical attitude concerning your own convictions and beliefs.


When your natal Jupiter resides in Capricorn, your spiritual growth energy will be fostered by a responsible, self-disciplined and conservative approach to life. You are a serious, careful and practical individual who tends to be shrewd especially when it comes to advancing your own personal ambitions. Others experience you as a prudent, cautious and determined individual but with this natal position you need to guard against an overly cautious approach to life, excess ambition and compromising your spiritual integrity for the sake of excess material gain.


When your natal Jupiter resides in Aquarius your spiritual growth energy lies in adopting a progressive and innovative attitude towards all aspects of your work and personal experience. You are a humane, trusting and popular individual who treats others in a fair and democratic manner. Others experience you as a tolerant and unconventional individual but with this Natal position you need to guard against a tendency to be miserly or being overcome by an inner doubts or a fear of failure.


When your natal Jupiter resides in Pisces, your spiritual growth energy will attain fulfillment through the recognition of the aesthetic and religious aspects of consciousness and their integration into your life. You are a tender, devoted and compassionate person who is very sympathetic to those who are less fortunate than yourself. Others experience you as a charitable, idealistic and giving person but with this natal position you need to guard against losing contact with the real world or being taken advantage of by unfeeling or unscrupulous individuals.


The House placement of Jupiter in your chart represents that area of your experience where you can attain the highest realization of your spiritual growth energy.

Jupiter in the First House of the Self

This is the house of the Self. It expresses your self-consciousness and general character. It is the house of personality development – the house where you become aware of and cultivate your unique consciousness as an individual. When your Jupiter resides in this house, its focus is on the development and realization of the potentials inherent within your personality. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Jupiter projects in this house.

Jupiter in the Second House of Material Foundation

This is the house of money, finances and material possessions and relates to your earning capacity and your financial gains or loses – your material development and the material foundation of your life. When your Jupiter resides in this house, its focus is on the development of a secure material and financial foundation in life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Jupiter projects in this house.

Jupiter in the Third House of Mental Development

The Third House is the house of the mind and of mental development through the use of will; it represents the exploration and development of your intellectual faculties and their application to the real world. When your Jupiter resides in this house, its focus is on your overall mental development and the enhancement of your communication skills. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Jupiter projects in this house.

Jupiter in the Fourth House of the Home

The Fourth House relates to the emotional environment of the home and to family and domestic concerns. It is the emotional foundation of your life. When your Jupiter resides in this house, its focus is on discovering and fulfilling your emotional nature. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Jupiter projects in this house.

Jupiter in the Fifth House of Procreation

The Fifth House encompasses pregnancy, love affairs, children and romance as well as creativity and pleasure. At its root lies the self- expressive impulse – the drive towards the individualization of your life. It is your house of active self-expression and self-development and reflects the quest for self-fulfillment. When your Jupiter resides in this house, its focus is on expanding and multiplying yourself through biological and creative procreation. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Jupiter projects in this house.

Jupiter in the Sixth House of Work and Service

The Sixth House is the house of work and of your service to others. Its affairs embrace y ur employment, daily routines and working relationships. When your Jupiter resides in this house, its focus is on the relationships and duties encountered in your working life as well as on those areas where you render compassionate service to others. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Jupiter projects in this house.

Jupiter in the Seventh House of Relationships

The Seventh House encompasses the sphere of marriage and of the close personal relationships in your life. When your Jupiter resides in this house, its focus is on the close personal relationships in your personal, business and social life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Jupiter projects in this house.

Jupiter in the Eighth House of Transformation

The Eighth House centers on the psychic and emotional sides of your life; sex, the beginning of death, passions, power and the undiscovered sides of your life. It is where the right brained person will encounter their left brained side and the left brained person will encounter their right brained side. When your Jupiter resides in this house, its focus is on the exploration of the undiscovered or unrealized dimensions of your life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Jupiter projects in this house.

Jupiter in the Ninth House of Spirituality

The Ninth House is the house of spiritual development and of higher education and learning. It represents your spiritual evolution, experience of the Divine and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness. When your Jupiter resides in this house, its focus is on the expansion of your spiritual awareness. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Jupiter projects in this house.

Jupiter in the Tenth House of Career

The Tenth House centers on your career, means of livelihood, professional success and achievements. When your Jupiter resides in this house, its focus is on success in your career and the advancement of your professional status in the community. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Jupiter projects in this house.

Jupiter in the Eleventh House of Friends

The Eleventh House is the house of social relationships and friendships and of your hopes and dreams for the future. When your Jupiter resides in this house, its focus will be on reaping the benefits of your status in society, experiencing the pleasure of your relationships with your friends, and harvesting the fruits of your realized hopes and dreams. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Jupiter projects in this house.

Jupiter in the Twelfth House of Self Knowledge

The Twelfth House is your house of self-knowledge gained through the awareness of your inner world. When your Jupiter resides in this house, its focus is on gaining self-knowledge through valuing your psychic intuition and creative imagination and on the integration of dreams into your conscious life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Jupiter projects in this house.

THE POSITION OF SATURN The position of Saturn in your chart represents the strongest focus and expression of the energy which the ancients called “agnoia” – an ancient Greek word which best translates as “self-unknowing”. In the area where this planet resides we find the character, manner and mode of expression of the energy of self-unknowing that causes restrictions and limitations in these areas of your life. In the areas of your daily life represented by Saturn’s Sign and House are revealed those areas in which you must learn to develop the willpower, self-discipline, discrimination and patience to transform the influence of this restricting and limiting energy into a higher level of self-knowledge, self-awareness and self-understanding.


When your natal Saturn resides in Aries the energies of self-unknowing will most strongly influence your development of self-confidence and faith in yourself. You are a person who frequently lacks self-esteem, is very self-critical and needs to be in charge of every situation. Others experience you as having a very charismatic and strong presence – a person who has taken command of his own destiny and is on a sure path to success - but with this natal position you need to guard against being to suspicious or distrustful or failing to find the right balance between caution and impulsiveness.


When your natal Saturn resides in Taurus the energy of self-unknowing most strongly influences those areas of your life related to material security, money and financial affairs. You are a patient, stable and hard working person who tends to embrace conservative and practical values. Other people experience you as a loyal and trustworthy person but with this natal position you need to guard against excessive conservatism, stubbornness and an obsessive over concern with your own emotional and financial security.


When your natal Saturn resides in Gemini the energy of self-unknowing centers on the development of your intellect and reasoning powers and the expansion of your mental capacity. You tend to be a cautious thinker whose thought processes are slow and patient, but are highly organized. Others experience you as a sober and stable individual with a positive attitude but with this natal position you need to guard against a tendency to overwork and the avoidance of challenges that will advance your mental growth.


When your natal Saturn resides in Cancer the energy of self-unknowing is most powerfully expressed as a denial of your need for closeness and intimacy and an inability to understand your own feelings. You are a person who has a strong need for security but you can be a hard person to get to know due to your reluctance to honestly reveal your emotions. Others experience you as a person who values responsibility but with this natal position you need to guard against timidity, pessimism and emotional insecurity.


When your natal Saturn resides in Leo the energy of self-unknowing most influences those aspects of your life related to your social recognition and professional advancement and your development of healthy levels of self-confidence and self-esteem. You are a strong willed and creative person with a powerful need for recognition and personal success. Others experience you as a disciplined individual who performs best in a leadership role but with this natal position you need to guard against self-doubt, undervaluing yourself and being too overly cautious in your business and personal affairs.


When your natal Saturn resides in Virgo the energy of self-unknowing most strongly influences those areas of your life related to your practical work situation and your ability to maintain attention to detail in your assigned tasks. You are a person who admires order and precision and are very conscientious in fulfilling your responsibilities. Others experience you as a prudent and practical person who takes a cautious and conservative approach to life, especially in matters of money and finance, but with this natal position you need to guard against general irritability or an inner disposition towards melancholy and depression.


When your natal Saturn resides in Libra, the energy of self-unknowing will exert itself most powerfully in those aspects of your life which center on your personal relationships in the social and business world. With this placement, you will strive for a balanced, rational and logical point of view through which your intellect will promote a sense of justice and fairness in all the areas of your personal sphere. Others experience you as a tactful and diplomatic individual with a strong sense of personal integrity, but with this Natal position you must guard against feeling alienated and unloved or casting a too critical of an eye upon the faults of others.


When your natal Saturn resides in Scorpio the energy of self-unknowing will most strongly influence the development of your own personal sense of security as well as the pursuit of your own goals and ambitions. You are a person of serious temperament and terrific will power who can be shrewd, forceful and motivating. Others experience you as a passionate and intense person who always travels the hard road, but with this natal position you need to guard against jealousy, a loss of emotional control or becoming overly manipulative.


When your natal Saturn resides in Sagittarius the energy of self-unknowing inhibits your quest for an authentic spiritual awareness resulting from the attainment of a higher consciousness. You are an independent, cautious and tolerant person and your reputation is very important to you. Others experience you as a person with conservative views who does not yield easily to change, but with this natal position you need to beware of becoming too callous, indecisive or adopting narrow minded attitudes.


When your natal Saturn resides in Capricorn, the energy of self-unknowing expresses itself through a stern and uncompromising attitude that negates the more desirable aspects of life. You can be a cold and cynical individual but you are a very diligent and dependable person who can be counted on in a crisis. Others experience you as a serious, practical and ambitious person but with this natal position you need to guard against selfishness, adopting an overly suspicious attitude or yielding to an unnatural hunger for power.


When your natal Saturn resides in Aquarius the energy of self-unknowing makes it difficult for you to develop the higher faculties of your mind and imprisons you in a pessimistic and overly conservative viewpoint. You are a humanitarian individual who is responsible and always loyal to his friends. Others experience you as an inventive and original person with strong powers of concentration but with this natal position you need to guard against becoming an emotionally cold and unloving person who fosters inner resentments.


When your natal Saturn resides in Pisces the energy of self-unknowing will tend to enhance the feelings of uncertainty and vulnerability that you experience in your life. For this reason you need to develop a greater self confidence in your innate abilities so you can successfully weather life’s emotional storms. You are a sensitive and sympathetic individual with a capacity for self-sacrifice who values the intuitive and imaginative aspects of your personality. Others experience you as a compassionate individual who is given to psychic or spiritual pursuits, but with this natal position you need to guard against pessimism, moodiness and self-defeating states of mind.


The House placement of Saturn is an astrological indication of that area of your human experience in which you will encounter the greatest “agnoia” – self unknowing, which brings restriction and limitation to the House in which it resides.

Saturn in the First House of the Self

This is the house of the Self. It expresses your self-consciousness and general character. It is the house of personality development – the house where you become aware of and cultivate your unique consciousness as an individual. When your Saturn resides in this house you will experience the greatest restrictions and limitations caused by self-unknowing in your efforts to develop and realize the potentials inherent within your personality. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Saturn projects in this house.

Saturn in the Second House of Material Foundation

This is the house of money, finances and material possessions and relates to your earning capacity and your financial gains or loses – your material development and the material foundation of your life. When your Saturn resides in this house you will experience the greatest restrictions and limitations caused by self-unknowing in your attempt to attain a secure material and financial foundation in life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Saturn projects in this house.

Saturn in the Third House of Mental Development

The Third House is the house of the mind and of mental development through the use of will; it represents the exploration and development of your intellectual faculties and their application to the real world. When your Saturn resides in this house you will experience the greatest restrictions and limitations caused by self-unknowing in your quest for intellectual development and the advancement of your communication skills. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Saturn projects in this house.

Saturn in the Fourth House of the Home

The Fourth House relates to the emotional environment of the home and to the family and domestic concerns. It is the emotional foundation your life. When your Saturn resides in this house you will experience the greatest restrictions and limitations caused by self-unknowing within the sphere of the home and in the fulfillment of your emotional nature. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Saturn projects in this house.

Saturn in the Fifth House of Procreation

The Fifth House encompasses pregnancy, love affairs, children and romance as well as creativity and pleasure. At its root lies the self- expressive impulse – the drive towards the individualization of your life. It is the house of active self-expression and self-development and reflects your quest for self-fulfillment. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self-unknowing will be experienced in your attempts to multiply yourself through biological and creative procreation. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Saturn projects in this house.

Saturn in the Sixth House of Work and Service

The Sixth House is the house of work and of your service to others. Its affairs embrace your employment, daily routines and working relationships. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self-unknowing will be experienced in the relationships and duties encountered in your working life as well as on those areas where you render compassionate service to others. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Saturn projects in this house.

Saturn in the Seventh House of Relationships

The Seventh House encompasses the sphere of marriage and of the close personal relationships in your life. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self-unknowing will be experienced in the sphere of your intimate relationships in life. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Saturn projects in this house.

Saturn in the Eighth House of Transformation

The Eighth House centers on the psychic and emotional sides of your life; sex, the beginning of death, passions, power and the undiscovered sides of your life. It is where the right brained person will encounter their left brained side and the left brained person will encounter their right brained side. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self-unknowing will be experienced in trying to becoming aware of and value your psychic experience. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Saturn projects in this house.

Saturn in the Ninth House of Spirituality

The Ninth House is the house of spiritual development and of higher education and learning. It represents your spiritual evolution, experience of the Divine and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self-unknowing will center on your attempts to expand your spiritual awareness. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Saturn projects in this house.

Saturn in the Tenth House of Career

The Tenth House centers on your career, means of livelihood, professional success and achievements. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self-unknowing will center on the attainment of advancement and success in your career. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Saturn projects in this house.

Saturn in the Eleventh House of Friends

The Eleventh House is the house of social relationships and friendships and of your hopes and dreams for the future. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self-unknowing will appear in your relationships with your friends and in your quest for a higher social status as well as in the pursuit of the fulfillment of your hopes and dreams. As you grow and life unfolds over the years you will incorporate and master the aspects of the sign Saturn projects in this house.

Saturn in the Twelfth House of Self Knowledge

The Twelfth House is your house of self-knowledge gained through the awareness of your inner world. When your Saturn resides in this house the greatest restrictions and limitations through self-unknowing will appear in your attempts to develop your creative intuition and integrate your dreams into your conscious life.


The Lunar Nodes are not actually considered planets but rather are perceived as sensitive points in the Natal Chart. Their usage is of great antiquity and essentially they represent the points of the Moons crossing of the apparent path of the Sun as seen from the Earth (called the “ecliptic”). Their traditional meanings in your Natal Chart are explained below. Since, from the point of view of this method, the Nodes are not planets and find their strongest expression in the Houses, the Signs are not included below.

THE SOUTH NODE The position of The South Node in your chart represents an unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness. It is essentially the old baggage you are carrying around in life that needs to be opened up and examined.

The South Node in the First House of the Self

This is the house of the Self. It expresses your self-consciousness and general character. It is the house of personality development – the house where you become aware of and cultivate your unique consciousness as an individual. If your South Node resides in this house the unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness lies in the area related to the development and realization of the potentials inherent within your personality.

The South Node in the Second House of Material Foundation

This is the house of money, finances and material possessions and relates to your earning capacity and your financial gains or loses – your material development and the material foundation of your life. If your South Node resides in this house the unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness lies in the area related to the development of a secure material and financial foundation in life.

The South Node in the Third House of Mental Development

The Third House is the house of the mind and of mental development through the use of will; it represents the exploration and development of your intellectual faculties and their application to the real world. If your South Node resides in this house the unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness lies in the area related to your overall intellectual development and the refinement of your communication skills.

The South Node in the Fourth House of the Home

The Fourth House relates to the emotional environment of the home and to family and domestic concerns. It is the emotional foundation of your life. If your South Node resides in this house the unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness lies in the area related to domestic concerns and the exploration and understanding of your emotional nature.

The South Node in the Fifth House of Procreation

The Fifth House encompasses pregnancy, love affairs, children and romance as well as creativity and pleasure. At its root lies the self- expressive impulse – the drive towards the individualization of your life. It is your house of active self-expression and self-development and reflects the quest for self-fulfillment. If your South Node resides in this house the unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness lies in the area related to the expansion and multiplication of yourself through biological and creative procreation.

The South Node in the Sixth House of Work and Service

The Sixth House is the house of work and of your service to others. Its affairs embrace your employment, daily routines and working relationships. If your South Node resides in this house the unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness lies in the area related to harvesting the wisdom that you have gained through your experience.

The South Node in the Seventh House of Relationships

The Seventh House encompasses the sphere of marriage and of the close personal relationships in your life. If your South Node resides in this house the unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness lies in the area related to the intimate relationships in your life.

The South Node in the Eighth House of Transformation

The Eighth House centers on the psychic and emotional sides of your life; sex, the beginning of death, passions, power and the undiscovered sides of your life. It is where the right brained person will encounter their left brained side and the left brained person will encounter their right brained side. If your South Node resides in this house the unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness lies in the area related to your psychic development.

The South Node in the Ninth House of Spirituality

The Ninth House is the house of spiritual development and of higher education and learning. It represents your spiritual evolution, experience of the Divine and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness. If your South Node resides in this house the unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness lies in the area related to the expansion of your spiritual awareness.

The South Node in the Tenth House of Career

The Tenth House centers on your career, means of livelihood, professional success and achievements. If your South Node resides in this house the unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness lies in the area related to advancement and success in your career.

The South Node in the Eleventh House of Friends

The Eleventh House is the house of social relationships and friendships and of your hopes and dreams for the future. If your South Node resides in this house the unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness lies in the area related to your relationships with your friends and your quest for social status as well as in the pursuit of the fulfillment of your hopes and dreams.

The South Node in the Twelfth House of Self Knowledge

The Twelfth House is your house of self-knowledge gained through the awareness of your inner world. If your South Node resides in this house the unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness lies in the area related to the development of your creative intuition and the integration of dreams into your conscious life.

THE NORTH NODE The position of The North Node in your chart represents the House and Sign position where you will discover what you need to understand the unfulfilled aspect of your consciousness as revealed by the South Node. The North Node in essence represents the key to the understanding and fulfillment of the South Node. It unlocks the “old baggage” so to speak.

The North Node in the First House of the Self

This is the house of the Self. It expresses your self-consciousness and general character. It is the house of personality development – the house where you become aware of and cultivate your unique consciousness as an individual. If your North Node resides in this house, the key to understanding the South Node lies in the area related to the development and realization of the potentials inherent within your personality.

The North Node in the Second House of Material Foundation

This is the house of money, finances and material possessions and relates to your earning capacity and your financial gains or loses – your material development and the material foundation of your life. If your North Node resides in this house the key to understanding the South Node lies in the area related to the development of a secure material and financial foundation in life.

The North Node in the Third House of Mental Development

The Third House is the house of the mind and of mental development through the use of will; it represents the exploration and development of your intellectual faculties and their application to the real world. If your North Node resides in this house the key to understanding the South Node lies in the pursuit of your overall intellectual development and the refinement of your communication skills.

The North Node in the Fourth House of the Home

The Fourth House relates to the emotional environment of the home and to family and domestic concerns. It is the emotional foundation of your life. If your North Node resides in this house the key to understanding the South Node lies in the area related to domestic concerns and the understanding and fulfillment of your emotional nature.

The North Node in the Fifth House of Procreation

The Fifth House encompasses pregnancy, love affairs, children and romance as well as creativity and pleasure. At its root lies the self- expressive impulse – the drive towards the individualization of your life. It is your house of active self-expression and self-development and reflects the quest for self-fulfillment. If your North Node resides in this house the key to understanding the South Node lies in the area related to the expansion and multiplication of yourself through biological and creative procreation.

The North Node in the Sixth House of Work and Service

The Sixth House is the house of work and of your service to others. Its affairs embrace your employment, daily routines and working relationships. If your North Node resides in this house the key to understanding the South Node lies in the area related to solving your difficulties and harvesting the wisdom that you have gained through your experience.

The North Node in the Seventh House of Relationships

The Seventh House encompasses the sphere of marriage and of the close personal relationships in your life. If your North Node resides in this house the key to understanding the South Node lies in the area related to the intimate relationships in your life.

The North Node in the Eighth House of Transformation

The Eighth House centers on the psychic and emotional sides of your life; sex, the beginning of death, passions, power and the undiscovered sides of your life. It is where the right brained person will encounter their left brained side and the left brained person will encounter their right brained side. If your North Node resides in this house the key to understanding the South Node lies in the area related to your psychic development.

The North Node in the Ninth House of Spirituality

The Ninth House is the house of spiritual development and of higher education and learning. It represents your spiritual evolution, experience of the Divine and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness. If your North Node resides in this house the key to understanding the South Node lies in the area related to the expansion of your spiritual awareness.

The North Node in the Tenth House of Career

The Tenth House centers on your career, means of livelihood, professional success and achievements. If your North Node resides in this house the key to understanding the South Node lies in the area related to advancement and success in your career.

The North Node in the Eleventh House of Friends

The Eleventh House is the house of social relationships and friendships and of your hopes and dreams for the future. If your North Node resides in this house the key to understanding the South Node lies in the area related to your relationships with your friends and your quest for a higher social status as well as in the pursuit of the fulfillment of your hopes and dreams.

The North Node in the Twelfth House of Self Knowledge

The Twelfth House is your house of self-knowledge gained through the awareness of your inner world. If your North Node resides in this house the key to understanding the South Node lies in the area related to the development of your creative intuition and imagination and the integration of dreams into your conscious life.


What this method of astrology reveals about your Starmap is meant to be advisory in nature. How closely it relates to your actual human experience and your present insight into and awareness of your own personality is a judgment of your own free will. Think of this experience as having infused astrology into your life and from this point on your life has become a synthesis of your own insights and awareness coupled with the information and insights that this astrological method has brought you. Below you will find a convenient chart to enable you to “keep it all together” in one place so you can refer to your astrological information at any time in your life. It is possible to extend your internal and external experiences beyond this energetic wheel. This is only the first step.

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