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New Years 2019 Astrology Forecast

Updated: Dec 14, 2018

You've got the mojo! This New Years you may notice and increase in drive and motivation. Giving you the momentum you need to keep those resolution promises. Just know when you're in over your head -don't be to proud to take advice from those who've been around the block.


Transit MARS trine natal Mercury ♂ △ ☿

Dec 30 through Dec 30, 2018

A surge of physical energy and enthusiasm may prompt you to turn thoughts or ideas into actions--the results of which can be very successful. Sales, installation and repair of machinery or equipment are highly favored. Sales of any kind are likely to be more energetic and successful. This also applies to travel, activities and meetings, and the physical dissemination of information. Work that is done or business that is owned or operated by you and/or your siblings is likely to flourish at this time, especially if the job or business is in your neighborhood. Under this influence good fortune or good news comes through the mail or by telephone. This is an auspicious period for writing, designing, buying a car or other motorized vehicles, or developing your mechanical or computer skills.

Transit SUN conjoined natal Saturn ☉ ☌ ♄

Dec 30 through Dec 31, 2018, exact on Dec 30

An urge to make daily tasks or responsibilities more interesting and fulfilling can be the motivating force for your actions. Enjoyment may be stifled by serious situations that leave little time or inclination for fun. You may want or be forced by current circumstances to demonstrate that you are reliable and trustworthy. Your hard work and past loyalty may get the recognition they deserve. The potential energy of this influence suggests you will be concerned with some aspect of your own maturity, experience and seniority. You may also be confronted with the authority and senior position of others. If that occurs, it will be to your advantage to recognize and accept their maturity and experience.


Women matter and Nature vs. Nurture describes why. Learn more about yourself by reading Where Are You Hiding?

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